
US limits in the East Sea
Unknown Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

  "Security Paradox ally" of the United States can be expressed through two games - "Game allies" and "enemies games". That is America's predicament before the PCA ruling "U-shaped line".
US limits in the East Sea
Sailors on the USS Ashland amphibious ships of the United States during movement observation in the South China Sea early May 7-2016. The US confirms trip to ensure freedom of navigation - Photo: US Navy

The location stands between (a neutral) in territorial disputes in Asia, the US would do in order to assure the security of its allies, just avoid the conflict?

Previous Day Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruled the Philippines for the event "U-shaped line" of China in the South China Sea, experts searched and dissected further aspect of the dispute making a splash the current standard.

Politics professor Eric Hyer (Brigham Young University, USA) gave a breakdown of the American predicament in behavior in the South China Sea and East China - also known as the "security paradox allies".

Two games

"Paradox Security allies" can be expressed through two games - "Game allies" and "enemies games". In the first game, the cost of the coalition is responsible for security, meaning that Washington wants friendship with Japan, the Philippines will be bound in action and possibly trapped in dispute
with China.

If the alliance assured that Washington will strongly enforce the commitments, they can take more risks when dealing with China, which could lead to conflict

If the US showed no definitive? The allies would be concerned about, but this also helps them reduce risky behavior, but instead find a compromise solution with China.

"Games hostility" is the reverse of the coin. If China does not feel strong US commitment to allies, Beijing may not want to choose to negotiate, or even to more aggressive action. However, the US firm could lead to China to make concessions.

Based on this logic, "security paradox ally" the United States should require careful consideration between the cost of two games "allies"
and "hostile".
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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