Find the silent killer
Unknown Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

 Along with obesity, sedentary lifestyles and the increase in life expectancy, diabetes is becoming epidemic is not spread across the globe.
The concern is the increasing age rejuvenation disease. Moreover, the study also found that young people under 40, who have glucose intolerance is quite high. This is a very large tsunami struck in one day.

Diabetes is considered a silent killer, with the onset and progress silently for a long time before the discovery, status hyperglycemia not controlled exacerbated leading to the emergence of variables stock macrovascular and microvascular complications such as renal, neurologic complications, retinopathy, brain stroke and coronary artery disease even at the time of diagnosis.

According to the Diabetes Association of the United States in 2016, those with the following risk factors should be screened:

1 / The adults are overweight or obese and have at least one risk factor for diabetes:

- Less motion.

- A parent or sibling with diabetes.

- African American.

- Latin Americans, Asian Americans, people in the Pacific Islands.

- Women who give birth more than 4kg or each gestational diabetes.

- High blood pressure (≥140 / 90 mmHg or taking antihypertensives).

- HDL cholesterol <35 mg / dL (0.90 mmol / L) and / or triglycerides> 250 mg / dL (2.82 mmol / L).

- Women with a history of polycystic ovaries.

- HbA1c ≥ 5.7% (39 mmol / mol), disorders of glucose tolerance or fasting glucose increases earlier.

- Some of the clinical manifestations of insulin resistance.

- History of coronary artery disease.

2 / In the absence of risk factors mentioned above: screening in people over 45 years old.

3 / As usual results: repeated after 1 or 3 years depending on the level nearer risk.

The examinations and tests will help your doctor find the undiagnosed patients with diabetes due to this unusual expression. Pre-diabetes group counseling dietary guidelines and physical activity to slow progress to true diabetes.

The benefits of early intervention and active will help improve treatment outcomes as well as the slow progress to the complications of diabetes has been proven in many large studies before.

Federation World Diabetes (IDF) predicts that diabetes affects 415 million people in 2015 and increased to 642 million in 2040, the most growth in the developing countries, including Vietnam .

Diabetes concentrated in ages from 20 to 79 years old; 70% of them live in middle income countries and low. Moreover, around 50% of people with diabetes are not diagnosed.

According to the IDF, in Vietnam in 2012 the incidence of diabetes is 5.78%. There are 52 226 deaths associated with diabetes. The majority of patients detected and treated late, every year more than 70% of patients not detected and treated.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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