Technology should not stop charging convenient, transparent
Unknown Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2016 No Comment

 Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia has asked the agencies and units should improve the legal basis of the project does not stop charging.

Technology should not stop charging convenient and transparent. Photo: VNA
Speaking at the meeting to report on the status of implementation of the project does not stop toll collection and vehicle load control across the country - Phase 1 applies to Highway 1 and the Ho Chi Minh Trail running through the Highlands in the form BOO contract, issued by the Ministry of Transport held on 10/8, in Hanoi, Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia has asked the agencies and units should improve the legal basis of implementation this project.

Also, soon to sign a contract between the service provider charges BOT investors and ensuring harmonious interests of service providers, investors, public authorities and citizens.

Reporting at the meeting, Mr. Vu Quang Lam, General Director of JSC Tasco (units Ministry of Transportation selected the project as an investor does not stop charging) said, in technology, is the consent of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Transport has assigned JSC Tasco research, pilot applications of RFID technology does not stop toll collection at toll booths 3 in Quang Binh, Nghe An (station Hoang Mai) and Dak Nong.

To March 3/2015, Tasco has completed deployment and successful testing of RFID technology at the pilot station and 3 to May 7/2016, the Prime Minister has approved the mass deployment of RFID technology for stations Free on Highway 1 and the Ho Chi Minh Trail running through the Highlands.

On investment procedures, the Ministry of Planning and Investment has granted registration certificates of investment for investors TASCO-VETC Consortium. Ministry of Transport and investors also signed contracts BOO investment project as a basis for implementation.

Highway toll station deployments do not stop (ETC) is divided into four phases: Phase 1 (2016-2018): Single-lane ETC barrier; in 2016 it arranged two-lane ETC / station, 2017 4 lane layout ETC / 2018 workstations and the whole layout of lanes in the form of ETC. Phase 2 (2019-2020): Single-lane ETC barrier, vehicle traffic in the case of E-card information with a valid tag. Phase 3 (2021): Single-lane ETC freedom, leaving barrier. Stage 4 (from 2022 onwards): multi-lane free-ETC.

At the meeting, many ideas for that: this is modern technology, the system can easily integrate and deploy a fast, simple and cost savings brought many benefits to the people and authorities government.

According to Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Hong Truong, with increasing traffic flow at high speed, if not earlier put the system into the toll station ETC will increase the likelihood of traffic jams at the toll station . Regarding technology, the policy of the Ministry of Transport is gradually DSRC technology (using OBU) is currently used in some stations to RFID technology (E-tag use cards) for the unification of technology.

However, at present a number of projects using ODA capital funded by foreign countries want to use their technology and equipment, this also makes it difficult for the general ETC systems integration nationwide.

"It should have everything integrated software system, the equipment must be selected from a variety of companies, different companies; prioritizing the equipment from domestic production with equivalent features "- Deputy Minister Nguyen Hong Truong recommended.

At the meeting some participants said that this is a new field offices should require independent valuation to determine the price; user equipment manufacturers in Vietnam to reduce costs and organize bidding to select the device.

In addition, the need to reconsider the schedule on expanding ETC stations fit reality in Vietnam; also note the selection of technologies toll on the highway to have the ability to combine multiple features in the management and administration of traffic.

Concluded at the meeting, the Minister Truong Quang Nghia reviews, this is the first project of automatic toll collection services, therefore relevant legal procedures even more. Learning from this project, the advisory body of the Ministry should review some pruning unnecessary procedure to the latter similar projects carried out single prize while ensuring compliance with regulations.

Currently, the highway and national highway route many unused toll booths charging technology does not stop, the Minister Truong Quang Nghia expressed encouraging investors to participate in the registration ./ future.

Quang Toan / BNEWS / VNA

Keywords: toll does not stop the transport
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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