Wedding of Ngoc Lan actor took place in her own home. Actress mother took her daughter out to greet them and celebrate both. Fatherless since more than a year old, Ngoc Lan's mother influenced, especially in how to spend thrift and foresight for the future knows.
Sometimes the bridegroom and bride exchange wedding rings made the first part of the formal ceremony.
"Beloved woman" touched the farewell hug before the husband's mother.
Thanh Binh consolation, his wife wiped her tears and say thank her mother was working for them.
Ngoc Lan happy to find a berth after many stormy affair.
Bride's home is decorated luxurious, gentle with white curtains, port commission.
Desk and hand pick ancestors also covered with romantic pink hue.
Thanh Binh groom busy with phone calls from friends congratulating the two sides.
Huu Chau assume the role of master of ceremonies for the husband and wife that he loved actor

by Jillur Rahman
Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.
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