Medicine from the forest leaves cure gout
Unknown Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

Nguyen Thi Huong Herbalist, residing in the US District Germany - Hanoi is considered to be one of the famous gout cure Herbalist in Vietnam. The third generation heir of the family specializes in bone and joint treatment, physician Huong said, "want to cure gout, to treat blood stasis radical, because the cause of gout is caused by the body not lifeblood Theung".

Gout is increasingly rejuvenation

Visit the Herbalist Nguyen Thi Huong in My Duc district - Hanoi on the last day of April, we were not surprised when her house filled with men throughout all ages. Most are physicians on 45 tuoi.Nhin their weary, we easily recognize this are patients with the most painful disease of the bone-related diseases khop- gout.

It is known that any physician weekend Huong also welcome to treat hundreds of patients from all over flock to gout. Not a few people from the Lang Son, Tuyen Quang, Thanh Hoa, Da Nang, Bien Hoa, .. also traveled long distances to visit here.

Chat with Herbalist Nguyen Thi Huong, she said, "About a dozen years ago, every year there are a few dozen cases of gout. But at the present time, there are several dozen cases a day is normal. The notion that gout is a disease of the rich, of the gentlemen successful not true, because the disease tends to rejuvenate. I've been fighting for so many new cases in addition to twenty youth was suffering gout ".

Nguyen Thi Huong Herbalist analysis, the notion of traditional medicine, Gout also known as gout, under stock Pi. Gout occurs because air wind, cold, low air attempts to slow, blood stasis, meridians any information, the new stasis translation into negotiations, the talks the agglomerated into lumps around the joints in the arms and legs, joints knees, painful for patients.

The first manifestations of the disease are pain in the big toe joint, then gradually spreads to the other fingers. Patients with severe pain, swelling, red hot joints. Pain accompanied by a burning sensation very uncomfortable. Without timely treatment, gout can cause gangrenous toes forced to remove or cause serious complications like renal glomerular slit, nephritis, ..
by Jillur Rahman

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