Gender reassignment surgery, DJ Lyna: Like eyesight must wear glasses
Unknown Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 6, 2016 No Comment

TP - Athletic but no less feminine, female DJ Lina Bradford each have 11 years of studying ballet identify themselves with the mission to connect people through music and love. She also had a unique way by explaining where some necessarily gender reassignment surgery.

DJ Lina Bradford has performed in Hanoi SEA Pride Music Festival by the US Embassy held. As a transgender person with a successful career and active community, Lina had several meetings with the youth of Vietnam.

Can you tell us about your activities for the LGBT community in the US?

I work for HMI Institute (Harvey Milk Institute), where the high school is like for LGBT youth. Who was watching Milk (Oscar-winning film about the life gay politician Harvey Milk- PV) they know the origin of this name. Late last year, I become their global ambassador after 8 years of service. I am also a board member of GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis) - specialized care for AIDS patients since the 1980s I worked with SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) - to bring food to the elderly LGBT . Last year my initiatives is their lucky prize.

I find myself to be an open-minded being with their predecessors. You will not know where they go if do not know where it comes from. For me, the use of time is very important because that is all that we have, and we do not have much. So I want to learn by sitting down to talk with them. I want to know about my brothers and sisters, want to know what they go through in life.

Many powerful people in the entertainment industry is the financial contribution and effort to HMI such as Sarah Jessica Parker and GMHC (famous actors from the series Sex and the City- PV) and Hillary Swank (for an Oscar for the role transgender performance in Boys Do not cry- PV). I am honored to be a member of this large family both.

Sex is something inside, was born in a natural way. But some people want surgery outside to express it. Her perspective on this?

If you are a child with vision problems, she will take you to explore physician Dr.. The doctor says you need glasses. It is very normal thing, everybody thought the world should be. Imagine if you lived a lifetime in a state of half-blind, can not see the clear will appalling. While I could do something to ourselves look better, so I should do it?

What makes you feel the best when there are men?

First, I was never a man ... I want to tell young people that (because I was the one who believes in spirituality), I knew who I was before I came here. My trip was tailored for me. So when you come here, I will come to those who support me. My parents, my grandparents ... everybody was there, to nourish my cherished became powerful woman of today.

Then the most amazing thing in her life is, and what the most challenging?

The most magical moments of my life right here, when I am able to do what I love and staying true to what I believe each day. If I have to go today, everything I've done up until now have been a blessing. I belong to the present. I live every moment with awareness and caution, actively and purposefully. Where am I correct then that's where I want.

The biggest challenge that I have always wondered what to wear. Because every day I usually have a couple of things to do (each job need a suitable outfit). Every move, I often have to carry a lot of luggage. Because I am a very creative. I can not just put on to the T-shirts and jeans. I want to express themselves, express their emotions out.

Known after shootings in bars for homosexuals in Orlando, many wounded needed a blood transfusion, but the hospital is still not receiving the blood of homosexuals under a law by the Administration Food and Drug Administration United States (FDA). What do you think about this?

Wounds from 11/9 service almost healed, then this is like peeling off the pad to see the wound is still there. I'm still very excited when talking about this topic. Because it's like we've made great strides forward, but suddenly it happened pull us back.

But in other respects, it really is a way to awaken people, reminded us that this can happen anywhere. Whether it's a bad way, it's still bringing people closer together. It makes all communities in society have stood up and said: No, he can not say who the other person is greater than the right to have their killing. Such action should be terminated immediately.

About not getting blood from gay men, it is an old bill from the 1980s has been improved. Obviously at that time, the epidemic is real and no one should give blood. But there has been much progress so far. I think they should give up the stupid notion that someone's life is not good enough to be able to help their brothers and sisters. They simply analyzed blood samples to determine whether or not it's good enough.
by Jillur Rahman

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