Today 1/8, 1,900 health services increased sharply
Unknown Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

Many policy takes effect from today 1/8, especially increasing sanctions with nearly 100 violations of traffic laws, such as running a red light ...
Increased traffic violation fines

According to Decree 46/2016 of the Government regulations on administrative fines in the field of road transport, railways effective from 1/8, the penalty will increase to nearly 100 violations.

   Today 1/8, 1,900 health services increased sharply - Photo 1
Traffic police record makers who violate road traffic rules. (Illustration)
Specifically, do not obey the commands of the traffic signal lights (yellow and red lamp lights) drivers cars and similar vehicles received 1.2 to 2 million; the driver of a motorcycle, motorcycle (including electric vehicles), and similar vehicles fined 300000-400000; the driver, who sat on the bike, cycling machines, rude drivers fined at 60,000 - 80,000 dong ...

In particular, in addition to a fine will confiscate vehicles with certain behaviors such as: Use foot to operate a motor vehicle, drop arms, zigzagging swinging or motorcycle racing gathered ... As for cars, the same behavior as above will be fined between 7-8 million.

Hospital fees, medical services increase

This fee increases will apply in 10 provinces and cities have several people join health insurance high from 90-95%. With the new collection, the price of 1,900 health services will also increase, especially in the large service structure for human resources for health spending.

And from now until the end of the year, there will be 4 correction fees (respectively at the end of August, October, November and December), applied respectively in the provinces and cities have participated in health insurance rates relatively high health. By the beginning of 1/2017, will apply price adjustment of health services with the remaining provinces.

Adjustment of pensions increased by 8%

According to Decree 55/2016 of the Government on adjustment of pensions, labor incapacity allowances, monthly allowances, from 1/8, some audiences have enjoyed the start of the pension, the monthly allowance the period from 01/01/2015 to 05/01/2016 will be adjusted before 8% increase of pensions, monthly allowances.

In particular the following subjects:

- Officials and civil servants, employees, officers and employees; military and public security forces and cipher workers are entitled to a monthly pension.

- Officials are on pension communal and monthly allowances.

The timing adjustment starting from the month of pension or allowance. Those projects have been revised up by 8% under Decree 09/2015, the effect unchanged.

Tighten recruitment

According to Decree 51/2016 of the Government on the management of labor regulations, salary and bonus for employees working in the company Limited by the State holds 100% of charter capital, from 1 / 8, Ltd. A member state must ensure the total labor force as planned in terms of production, business as usual should not exceed 5% compared with the actual number of employees have used the average of preceding year.

Where recruitment exceeds planned or not planned led to workers without jobs, to terminate the labor contract, the general manager, manager or company president, council members must be accountable responsibility and not be rewarded, not get a raise, extend the time to raise salaries, the salary reduction.

This is also content to assess the degree of fulfillment of duties of management.

Regulation in order to sanction the bill

Under the new regulations in Decree 49/2016, the penalty for acts that do not put in the bill written contract will be 500,000 - 1.5 million, the penalty was 2-4 million.

Where organizations or enterprises located in bills when the tax authorities have notified in writing organizations, businesses that do not qualify put in the bill will be fined 2-4 million; also forced to cancel the bill was placed in contravention of regulations.

Individuals are not notified in writing to the competent State authorities must be notified in case of price; rate applies declare the registration deadline will be fined between 3-5 million.

Social housing have a minimum area of ​​25m2

Circular 20/2016 of the Ministry of Construction takes effect from 15/8 to guide the implementation of some contents of Decree 100/2015 on the development and management of social housing, each apartment, communal house Assembly by households and individuals to invest in building for sale or lease, lease purchase to ensure standards: minimum area is 25m2 apartments; occupancy in the area is not less than 10m2; Waterway width not less than 2.4 m, height waterway lowest place not less than 2.7m; accommodations must have doors, windows ensure the required ventilation and natural lighting; the roof is not flammable roofing materials and ensure no leak ...

Tighten currency exchange

According to Circular No. 11/2016 of the State Bank, with effect from the next 13/8 days, foreign exchange dealers may not sell foreign currency to individuals taking other currencies. This is a new regulation in place of the current regulations of the State Bank as stipulated only foreign exchange dealers may not sell foreign currency to individuals taking Vietnam Dong.

Lump earners joined the resistance performance

According to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 24/2016, who has joined the resistance achievements were awarded certificates of merit by the Prime Minister; merit of ministerial or provincial level will be paid once at the following rates:

Who was awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister is 1.815 million dong; who was awarded the Merit of the ministerial or provincial level was 1.21 million contracts.

Persons of Merit died without allowance this time representing a family allowance at the rate shown above.

Fined up to 15 million as spreading false information about the market, commodity prices

Decree No. 49/2016 allows himself who acts spreading false information about the market, the prices of goods and services caused panics in society and market instability at 10 to 15 million.

The penalties apply to the print, radio and television, electronic newspapers or other publications is sanctioned according to the law on sanctioning of administrative violations in the press activities, publication.

According to the decree, the penalty for acts of ordering print invoices without written contract, will fall from 500,000 to 1.5 2-4 million to million. Where no declaration matching discount prices fluctuate; not declare the price written on time as required by the competent authority, a fine of 5 to 10 million.

Duong Thu
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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