Manh Dinh: 'I'm not ready to get married because of the fear collapse'
Unknown Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 8, 2016 No Comment

At the age of 53, singing "Oleander" still hesitant to talk married and that marriage is tired.

- After the concerts in 2009, why did he have to wait until next seven years to perform a concert in Vietnam?

- I caught a lot of families in the US. My mother was sick for some time. Sonship, I and six siblings to spend time taking care of her. For two years, we took turns to care for her hospitalized. There are times, she bangs her head into the ground and is confused. She could not remember anyone, from husband to the children, grandchildren. But one day, when I am put food, she suddenly blurted out: "Bo too?". Bo is my name at home. She called, I was startled, almost in tears. Last year my mother died when 84 years old. After lo funeral and related work, I was assured of Vietnam to do the show.

My family in the US, but so far retains many traditional features of Vietnam. People are very interested in each other. After his mother died, my siblings trying announce more interested. My father nearly 90 years old this year but still lucid. Every time he had a job or are sick, the children living nearby were taking turns to ask questions, seek visitation.

- While you were married, why was odd ball?

- I think the concept of marriage are old now. Actually ago, my parents sometimes also urging: "Now also getting old, married, only stable place." But because the artist in her computer, I do not sacrifice passion, singing. Just do not go sing, see friends, colleagues appear on the screen or the stage, I see very itchy limbs. Too love the art of romance so I can not stop.

- His love story is like?

- I'm back and forth with a friend. This is a big fan and I do not do art. This relationship has lasted for about 10 years but has yet to go anywhere. We live in two states quite far apart, only when the holiday season to have a chance to meet, or else most of the time are in touch by phone and text messages. Initially he said do you want me to get adopted, until close to anonymously want to go further, but I refused.

Actually, I always wondered who find themselves is due to emotional or admiration. I have witnessed many cases when love is ready to accept swearing bird singing career, but to marry at the prohibition was sufficient, finally broken. I do not want to fall into a similar situation. Besides, no one dared to trade off everything to a relationship is not binding at all.

There are also times, the other primary heart of our relationship. Some days, when I told her then invites hesitate in getting married. So he said: "Marry me finish, then I'll just stop feeding the sick, right?". I can only smile, there is no other way. I simply was not ready to get married.

- How about the British conception of marriage?

- I prefer more loving relationship. Marriage is a little tired to me. I think that in modern life, equality of men and women too. I was the one who influenced the older generation, are the patriarchal character. The "he said, she did not listen," is unacceptable to me. You bickering relatives, I was difficult to see his face, it's not much more mate.

- One day his usual place in the US How?

- Just like any other normal person alone, I get up at 7 am, is thought for a moment to 8am, then get out of bed. Then, I eat breakfast. To 10, I give all the work to exercise. The metabolism of the body is no longer as young anymore time so the workout is important. I do not want to be too much excess energy. After lunch, I met, dissipated or coffee to go with friends. On weekend evenings, I go on, otherwise it will go to the movies. I like to watch extreme horror. Each time the scene was startled, and everyone was screaming, I'm happy.

I was always aware I had cleared out stress in work and life. There are so, I was not fast aging. At this age, I practiced the habit less hustle and satisfied with what is there. I try to balance spending, not "overextend" should also headaches with making money. Many Vietnamese in America loves to gamble, gamble. Luckily, I did not fall into the spiral of sins whether or to go play in the casino.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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