'Happy Yintai' Little Ice Salary: U50 buckling for life
Unknown Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

Compared to other actors, though famous early but again struggled Little Ice Luong much.

At age U50, Luong Little Ice still buckling her with food and clothing rice about money and other precarious career with many friends peers.

Runner from the ancient beauty

Little Ice salary born in 1969 in Macao, China. In 1990, she ventured to attend the Miss Hong Kong. Realistically, Luong Little Ice no expression of a beauty contest Miss, because looks small (1m61) and the tricyclic modest measure.

In return, she owns eating face shape, beauty and gentle endearing, cute, easy to create sympathy with the people opposite. That is why the Food and Little Ice still won two runner-up titles, and quickly became contracted under obstacles TVB actor.

Not through a training school acting class, but Luong Little Ice quickly present themselves as people acquire learning very fast, with a natural acting ability. She quickly became the Chinese Spectacular in the period 1991 - 1998 at TVB, the first of 3 films about films / year.

The strength of the Little Ice Food and historical role. Appearance small, willowy, plus the old aura fragrance that not everyone has, Luong Little Ice quickly being promoted through a series of projects in directing costume dramas, Fut Shaolin, alkaline , the North Male empire, Vienna executioner loan periods, legend ... and a lot of younger bureaucratic other works. Especially, TVB very favorably when assigned to her regular roles famous beauties in history or in the literature, therefore, no surprise that less than 4 years of acting, Luong Little Ice became the ancient beauty of the entertainment No.1 fragrant port of origin.

Besides the historical drama, martial arts, Liang Little Ice also challenge in contemporary roles, but it is often overshadowed by the other face of TVB personality. Just over there, nice people recognize their strengths and their weaknesses, to concentrate more on the historical film project.

Weakened ... the many wigs

However, starting from around 1997 onwards, TVB focus more on contemporary works, with police topics, sentiment, comedy ... and started descending number of historical dramas, especially swordplay film line . The rise of the Chinese Spectacular face in this generation, as Kenix, Esther Kwan, Jessica ... also makes Liang Little Ice losing its position at the station.

Also during this time, the health of the Little Ice Luong started downhill. Due to frequent historical drama, wig, her real hair should fall a lot, body weakness. Many factors combined caused the Little Ice Liang decided to leave TVB - which took her from an unknown girl to become a star is well known. She also spent one year (1998) to rest and recharge.

In 1999, Liang Little Ice officially became a free artist, drama in Taiwan, mainland China and ATV - opponents of the old roof. Salary name Little Ice again be known for the work of Butterfly - Chuc Anh Dai. Role as tailored for her, and so she has more been a big fan of Chinese mainland.

However, Liang Xiao Bing can not win the heady legacy. The film follows her this did not cause the attention. The role also gradually fade. Apparently, the star named Liang Xiao Bing has lost shimmer days ago. She no longer be invited to pick up the lead role in the drama, and the film is in the form of shoulder appeared less than 5 seconds.

U50 happy as breadwinners

Career is not positive as expected, Luong Little Ice focus to personal. Speaking of the relationship in the entertainment, food love story of the Little Ice also is widely admired for the iron son, faithful. In 1992, while filming Brothers filed brotherhood, she knew, and began dating actor Gia Huy Tran. At that time, she was the runner she is being promoted, Tran Gia Huy just supporting actor. But Luong Little Ice Age did not hit it. Years later, when she became the brightest star, Tran Gia Huy still not had a chance to develop. The distance of names and physical between them is growing. However, Liang Little Ice still wholeheartedly with his half, he always praised the talented actor, just not having the time.

"I love and feel happy to be in love. That's the most important thing, "Little Ice Luong share.

And so, eight years later, she received a marriage proposal from Tran Gia Huy, with the promise of his life with him, though at the time, Liang Little Ice at the peak of his career with the success of the Butterfly - Chuc Anh Dai. Tran Gia Huy is still unknown actors, have to rely on the influence of the new Little Ice Salary get small roles.

On special day 02.29.2000, as well as the first day of practice Butterfly - Chuc Anh Dai broadcast, both celebrated the wedding in Taiwan according to traditional rituals. 4/3 days, they entered the church official said, and opened promise a feast for friends in Hong Kong.

After marriage, Liang Little Ice still works of art, but the results are not as expected. She and her husband also wanted a baby, but had to wait until 7 years after the wedding, the new first-born son was born. The couple she named her son Louis Tran Duong Dat.

Happy little angel, but the beauty of an ancient family faced many economic burden. From 2003 onwards, Luong Little Ice virtually no drama. Her husband - Tran Gia Huy acting career was over, no one invited to the art, there is no audience in mind he is the actor. The whole family looks into the economic pillar is the Little Ice salary, but her career did not smoothly. The advertising contract is not there, when she is free artist, without a specific path of development and negotiation to stand out these problems. Mouth sores mountain food - huge sums of money that she earned during the heyday of the burden gradually leave. The family had to visit from the sale Son (luxury apartment buildings) to the Mekong area (more affordable housing).

Works quite perfunctorily, Liang states get small roles unnoticed.

In 2010, her husband - Tran Gia Huy are invited to join TVB drama Ai, Muslim Family monthly remuneration for 8000 HK dollars (about 23 million VND). This figure is small and not enough to pay rent for a small apartment, let alone the life cover.

2013, the Food and signed a contract with the Little Ice promised HKTV and highly paid. Her film blockbusters, with compensation of 1 million HK dollars. However, due to licensing issues, this broadcaster is no specific course of action, the film is not yet aired, not recover investment costs. The actor signed to the radio also so that no opportunity and development path.

Little Ice wages have traveled back to the mainland filming, but usually only a small movie, so the street, investment province rather than the great works attract attention. To save living expenses, her family used the public transport, there is no private car. Little Ice salary assistant nor as many other artists. Every time a business trip, she also fend alone, from the schedule, makeup, preparing performance ...

Stands out as the economic mainstay for the family, the Little Ice Luong made the position "internal minister" for her husband. Tran Gia Huy can also volunteer center backwards to take care of family, parenting son to wife assured work.

Currently, at the age of 47, Liang Xiao Bing has yet to stabilize and economic career. Peach silk willow beauties weaker yet still have three to four years to shoulder the family, became the main breadwinner husband and child rearing. However, she did not get how to do shame, nor compare themselves with peers who, like Anita Yuen (who won the title in her Miss contest) and Ada (together during TVB trendsetters these ancient beauties). "It is important that after many years of marriage, we still stick, love and respect each other. Family regardless of the other tasks. I go out to work. he is responsible for caring for the family, with plenty of the headaches did not name, are actually extremely hard. I am happy to have a husband that sharing, empathy and originality extremely sour, "said Liang Xiao Bing step.
by Jillur Rahman

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