Right not to be afraid of dying trees standing!
Unknown Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

Many analysts said the PCA ruling will not affect the international order and the region, but it would be worth as a slap in Beijing for daring to defy international law.
Right not to be afraid of dying trees standing!
Prof. Erik Francks - member Permanent Court of Arbitration, the European law dean and the University of International Freedom of Belgium - at a workshop on 9 and 10- 6 - Photo: Duc Hieu
Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague (PCA) at 29-6 play will release judgment on the petition of the Philippines-related claims in the East Sea of ​​China 12-7 at about 11g (16g together day, Hanoi time).

In a statement, the PCA also confirm that this is the trial of regulations established under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS), in which China and the Philippines are members of the convention.

This information is of national support for the role of international law in resolving disputes long awaited, especially in countries openly support the judgment of the PCA as the US, Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Brother...

Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh also repeatedly affirmed consistent policy of Vietnam is supporting the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS.

PCA announced at the time of the verdict in Beijing are making a diplomatic campaign gigantic scale unmatched precedent which called the support of the international community criticized the action of the Philippines and the PCA decision accept the case.

Beijing claims to have about 60 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa support its stance on the PCA, but many experts have exploited the fact that only strong in some countries supported Beijing's stance , and these countries are very far from the South China Sea, and almost no benefit to the South China Sea as Afghanistan, Lesotho, Gambia, Kenya, Niger, Sudan, Vanuatu ...

Political efforts through diplomatic campaign by Beijing to neutralize and weaken the forthcoming ruling of PCA showed that Beijing is very worried and lack of confidence ahead of their absurd claims, most the claim "U-shaped line" swallowed most of the South China Sea.

At the conference of the South China Sea by the European Union delegation (EU) in Vietnam in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam held for two days 9 and 10-6 in Ha Long City, when asked about their views the PCA ruling, Professor Erik Francks - PCA members, deans and European law at the University of international Freedom of Belgium - for that PCA is a proof that international law should be respected and award the court decided not only reduces the complexity of the current dispute, but also contribute to the development of international law.

GS Francks also stressed the international community, including major powers like the US and Japan, in favor of PCA ruling that China, as one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council Nations, denied it was a humiliation.

In an article published recently in The South China Morning Post quoted an international law expert of the Chinese leading acknowledged that "if he had refused to appear before the court he had little chance of going to war straight".

Many analysts said the PCA ruling will not affect the international order and the region, but it would be worth as a slap in Beijing for daring to defy international law as well as single move its upcoming activities in the South China Sea will be "scrutiny" over.

Clearly, China is "not right tree," so afraid "standing dead"!
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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