Hong Kong's Day demonstrators returned to China
Unknown Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

Tens of thousands of protesters in Hong Kong 1-7 morning to celebrate this city is the British handover to China with the first set of the advocates for the independence of this new zone.
Hong Kong's Day demonstrators returned to China
Hong Kong booksellers Lam Wing Kee led the parade commemorates the British handover to China town - AFP
Celebrations for the return of the date 1-7-1997, according to AFP, which took place amid high tensions remain after a Hong Kong book publisher confided that he was arrested and interrogated for months in mainland China.

Lam Wing Kee (61) is one of five famous booksellers of books criticizing politicians on the mainland. Mr Lam was missing last year and a surprise appearance at its borders.

Mr. Lam led the protesters parade today.

His confided the Lam fanning concerns that Beijing is increasingly tightening controls semi-autonomous zone in Hong Kong.

Unlike the traditional celebration of the 1-7 last year, this year the protesters called for the departure of the Special Administrative Region leader CY Leung after he hinted about going candidacy for a second term in 2017.

Liang and the government of the District has recently been criticized for being a puppet to Beijing and has failed to help booksellers 5 when they were arrested the Chinese authorities.

The organizers of the protest said they expected 100,000 people will participate in today.

"They are angry with the current government and are very disappointed about the way things are managed" - who organize protests Jackie Hung of the Civil Rights Movement said.

The main rally in Hong Kong is expected to take place in peace. However a separate parade of pro-independence groups from China in the evening today liaison offices outside of China can become a hotspot.

Those who participated in demonstrations this evening said they would wear black and masked. A poster notice of this demonstration shows protesters wearing helmets and sticks.

Police warned zones before they will take decisive action and effective against these acts of violence and illegal. Police said the demonstrators were not pro-independence demonstration permit.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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