Add a famous artist accused of rape, fraud young girls
Unknown Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 7, 2016 No Comment

After the New Sub-Department to Facebook stylist factors were male MC, actor Taiwan Qin Wei sexual assault occurred more then 4 other girls also accused male artists with similar offenses

According to Taiwan media, male MC, famous Taiwanese actor Qin Wei was named female stylist Tan Elementary Department on accusations of sexually abusing her guilty on Facebook. According to the Ministry, the State of Qin Wei used the label "not coax it forced" to make her last relationship, but what happened is complete, the actor again "diving disappeared" always. Also accompanying her and posted her photos and messages between Qin Wei, content full of flirtations of male artists like: "Yeah he eager that" or "I'm appealing too go".

After the incident, the Qin Wei immediately denied, said the two sides relations as volunteers. But then in turn four girls appear more frequency factors Tails also charged with the same, they all said, male artist used all tactics to trick their game to bed and even then "whipped the horse counter style" . Tan Elementary Ministry said after she publicly denounced Qin Tails on Facebook, the four girls texted her recounts what happened to male artists, and Sub-Department has released a series of photos of the Message this girl on Facebook

The "victims" share: "The words he said was" familiar guise of him then, "" Heard he also cheated the girl overnight day at work ".

According to the girls, male artist went to charity specializing in imitation but in fact just the "fox in human form", bearing the label "good people" to go trick others. Tan Elementary Stylist Ministry also agreed: "Previously I thought he was an honest person with heart, in fact all just a shell because he created to make people easily fooled.

Currently Locked Frequency Vy personal page and there is no further comment on this incident.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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