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Today 1/8, 1,900 health services increased sharply

Many policy takes effect from today 1/8, especially increasing sanctions with nearly 100 violations of traffic laws, such as running a red light ...
Increased traffic violation fines

According to Decree 46/2016 of the Government regulations on administrative fines in the field of road transport, railways effective from 1/8, the penalty will increase to nearly 100 violations.

   Today 1/8, 1,900 health services increased sharply - Photo 1
Traffic police record makers who violate road traffic rules. (Illustration)
Specifically, do not obey the commands of the traffic signal lights (yellow and red lamp lights) drivers cars and similar vehicles received 1.2 to 2 million; the driver of a motorcycle, motorcycle (including electric vehicles), and similar vehicles fined 300000-400000; the driver, who sat on the bike, cycling machines, rude drivers fined at 60,000 - 80,000 dong ...

In particular, in addition to a fine will confiscate vehicles with certain behaviors such as: Use foot to operate a motor vehicle, drop arms, zigzagging swinging or motorcycle racing gathered ... As for cars, the same behavior as above will be fined between 7-8 million.

Hospital fees, medical services increase

This fee increases will apply in 10 provinces and cities have several people join health insurance high from 90-95%. With the new collection, the price of 1,900 health services will also increase, especially in the large service structure for human resources for health spending.

And from now until the end of the year, there will be 4 correction fees (respectively at the end of August, October, November and December), applied respectively in the provinces and cities have participated in health insurance rates relatively high health. By the beginning of 1/2017, will apply price adjustment of health services with the remaining provinces.

Adjustment of pensions increased by 8%

According to Decree 55/2016 of the Government on adjustment of pensions, labor incapacity allowances, monthly allowances, from 1/8, some audiences have enjoyed the start of the pension, the monthly allowance the period from 01/01/2015 to 05/01/2016 will be adjusted before 8% increase of pensions, monthly allowances.

In particular the following subjects:

- Officials and civil servants, employees, officers and employees; military and public security forces and cipher workers are entitled to a monthly pension.

- Officials are on pension communal and monthly allowances.

The timing adjustment starting from the month of pension or allowance. Those projects have been revised up by 8% under Decree 09/2015, the effect unchanged.

Tighten recruitment

According to Decree 51/2016 of the Government on the management of labor regulations, salary and bonus for employees working in the company Limited by the State holds 100% of charter capital, from 1 / 8, Ltd. A member state must ensure the total labor force as planned in terms of production, business as usual should not exceed 5% compared with the actual number of employees have used the average of preceding year.

Where recruitment exceeds planned or not planned led to workers without jobs, to terminate the labor contract, the general manager, manager or company president, council members must be accountable responsibility and not be rewarded, not get a raise, extend the time to raise salaries, the salary reduction.

This is also content to assess the degree of fulfillment of duties of management.

Regulation in order to sanction the bill

Under the new regulations in Decree 49/2016, the penalty for acts that do not put in the bill written contract will be 500,000 - 1.5 million, the penalty was 2-4 million.

Where organizations or enterprises located in bills when the tax authorities have notified in writing organizations, businesses that do not qualify put in the bill will be fined 2-4 million; also forced to cancel the bill was placed in contravention of regulations.

Individuals are not notified in writing to the competent State authorities must be notified in case of price; rate applies declare the registration deadline will be fined between 3-5 million.

Social housing have a minimum area of ​​25m2

Circular 20/2016 of the Ministry of Construction takes effect from 15/8 to guide the implementation of some contents of Decree 100/2015 on the development and management of social housing, each apartment, communal house Assembly by households and individuals to invest in building for sale or lease, lease purchase to ensure standards: minimum area is 25m2 apartments; occupancy in the area is not less than 10m2; Waterway width not less than 2.4 m, height waterway lowest place not less than 2.7m; accommodations must have doors, windows ensure the required ventilation and natural lighting; the roof is not flammable roofing materials and ensure no leak ...

Tighten currency exchange

According to Circular No. 11/2016 of the State Bank, with effect from the next 13/8 days, foreign exchange dealers may not sell foreign currency to individuals taking other currencies. This is a new regulation in place of the current regulations of the State Bank as stipulated only foreign exchange dealers may not sell foreign currency to individuals taking Vietnam Dong.

Lump earners joined the resistance performance

According to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 24/2016, who has joined the resistance achievements were awarded certificates of merit by the Prime Minister; merit of ministerial or provincial level will be paid once at the following rates:

Who was awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister is 1.815 million dong; who was awarded the Merit of the ministerial or provincial level was 1.21 million contracts.

Persons of Merit died without allowance this time representing a family allowance at the rate shown above.

Fined up to 15 million as spreading false information about the market, commodity prices

Decree No. 49/2016 allows himself who acts spreading false information about the market, the prices of goods and services caused panics in society and market instability at 10 to 15 million.

The penalties apply to the print, radio and television, electronic newspapers or other publications is sanctioned according to the law on sanctioning of administrative violations in the press activities, publication.

According to the decree, the penalty for acts of ordering print invoices without written contract, will fall from 500,000 to 1.5 2-4 million to million. Where no declaration matching discount prices fluctuate; not declare the price written on time as required by the competent authority, a fine of 5 to 10 million.

Duong Thu
Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

Students Vietnam won two Olympic Gold Medal International Chemistry 2016

Department of Testing and Education Quality Accreditation information received from Georgia's official entry for the results of the International Chemistry Olympiad in 2016 of the Vietnam national team. Results 3/4 contestants have won medals, including 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal.

As follows:

1. Do Dinh Quang Hieu, grade 11, High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi University of Science: Gold Medal;

2. Do Nguyen Khanh Duy, grade 12, Lam Son High School in Thanh Hoa: Gold Medal;

3. You Nguyen Thanh Trung, 12 graders, Lê Hồng Phong High School, Nam Dinh: Silver Medal.

International Chemistry Olympiad 2016 held in 48th of the Georgian capital Tbilisi, with 75 countries and regions attended with a total of 280 contestants.

In the exam: China won 4 gold medals; Russia, Romania, South Korea, Taiwan and has won 3 gold medals; Vietnam and Thailand, Sigapore, India and Iran together are 2 Gold Medal.

Contestants' scores of Vietnam won medals are ranked highly in the competition: Do Dinh Quang Hieu reached 89.764 points, ranking contestants 7/280; Khanh Duy Nguyen reached 86.116 points, ranking contestants 16/280; Nguyen Thanh Trung Em reached 79.212 points, ranking 38/280 contestants.

Pham Duc Minh Private grader 11 Middle School specializing in Hanoi - Amsterdam, Hanoi sick due date practice exam should negatively affect psychological test scores resulted in only 43.68 point.

Ministry of Education and Training will be met and congratulated the achievements of the delegates of the International Physics Olympiad 2016 at the Noi Bai International Airport in 8 hours and 20 days on 02/08/2016.

The Face Episode 7: Pham Huong Mai Ngo kind of team notes Lan Khue?

Among the hottest rumors before G Pham Huong believes will continue to win and type notes Mai Ngo is very interesting.

Among the hottest rumors before G Pham Huong believes will continue to win and type notes Mai Ngo is very interesting.

Defeat all other programs at the present time, The Face is the program attracted the most attention from the public. The heat of the three coaches Ha Ho, Pham Huong Lan Khue and really makes the program's rating exceeds beyond expectations.

After episode 6 with dramatic curtain is pushed up to the kind of high-handed when Pham Huong Lan Khue Kim Chi's team made it only coach Mai Ngo with the controversy about whether or not the script of the program is not yet aired episode 7 has raised some interesting rumors.

Recently, in an interview when asked about the team's victory always belongs to Pham Huong Mai Ngo said: "After the Diep Linh Chau challenge (the Pham Huong) has asked Mai, saying," I do not understand why I always do a good team that has not won yet. "After the share of Mai Chau can respond to that:" the team is because she always wins her coach has the ability to communicate and are pleased the guests very high. "Diep Linh Chau Although seemed very proud but Mai just surprise and smiled. and of course, if this is a dominant factor in the end result did not serve Mai.".

Back to the image is revealed in episode 7, the singer Toc Tien will represent the donor's judges after Mai Phuong Thuy power in the previous episode. Whether it's the first time appear but many people are waiting for a mark of female singer.

Miss Huong Giang 2nd daughter gave birth to giants

Miss Huong Giang has just given birth to 2nd daughter giants by caesarean method.

At 14h26 'pm on 25/7, Miss Huong Giang gave birth to second daughter FVH HCMC. Huong Giang relatives to share, she chose to give birth by caesarean method as directed by your doctor. Earlier, her first daughter was born Elementary Panda also by caesarean because the amniotic fluid index of the original beauty of Hai Duong ineligible normal delivery.

Reportedly, Miss Huong Giang daughter weighing 3.3 kg at birth. Though she has no formal name but is named Huong Giang couple intimate at home is Polar (polar bear). Previously, when Huong Giang revealed that will place the second is Polar, many people think that she will bear a son babbling. However beautiful people said, when just married, her husband agreed with names available, whether a son or daughter will also order so should make some people misunderstood.

After a second child by caesarean method, the health of the Huong Giang is recovering very well. Besides her husband while in labor with entrepreneurs Liu Jia, mother, sister and relatives guts in the family. Own "princess" to her first because I go to school Elementary Panda should not pick up girls in the birth announcement.

2nd pregnancy, Huong Giang increase 13kg. She did not like first morning sickness. Thanks to the experience from a previous pregnancy, beautiful people eating plan, exercise, helps the body to a healthy mother and fetus. In particular, women born in 1987 felt too nervous before the labor.

Miss Huong Giang married businessman Liu Jia in 2010. Her eldest daughter is called Primary Panda intimate, 4 years old this year. Since her husband live in Cambodia, she participated in the activities at the entertainment industry. She was loved not only public ownership bold Asian beauty but also thanks to live "say no" to the scandal in showbiz.

Duy's wife who lives out why her husband died after 1 year

 Kieu Oanh - Duy's wife began to share your latest photos on the personal page. It can be seen, the current rebalancing Kieu Oanh has been life.
Story Kều Oanh - Duy's wife - who was perfect wife likened road "three accomplices four virtues" many netizens are known. By whether married not long, but when Duy Nhan were fatal diseases, she is always with concern and care.

Picture a young wife devoted to her husband though lacking hundred public appearance caused many really touching. 1

Duy's wife showed off pictures of young, beautiful
Recently, after 1 year of mourning her husband, Kieu Oanh began to share his latest images on individual pages. It can be seen, the current rebalancing Kieu Oanh has been life.

She often shared the pictures of young, beautiful. Even many people also said that after the incident the wait, Kieu Oanh was beautiful, youthful than before.

Looking at the images of the current Kieu Oanh, many people said that her beauty is not inferior to any one actor, model no.

Moreover, although the husband has lost is 1 year, but remained Kều Oanh's image both on individual pages. This simple thing that many people also expressed admiration. Because many people think that, with such beautiful beauty Kieu Oanh, was supposed to erase the past she is very easy to start over.



Together to review the latest pictures of Kieu Oanh - Duy's wife: 2

Duy's wife strange charm in the new image 3

Duy wife's chatter with friends 4

She shared photos beautiful polar her husband died after 1 year 5 6

Duy's wife shared the image on nephew 7 8

After her husband died not long, Wei's wife performed the wedding photos 9

She still kept happy picture of the couple on the personal pages
Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 7, 2016

In the South China Sea Storm Nida jerked sharply to near super typhoon

- Typhoon Nida forecast after going into the South China Sea from the early morning of April 1-8 will continue to strengthen in the strongest winds near the typhoon center level 13 (135-150 km / h), 15-16 shock level, near the 17 level typhoon.

According Prediction Center Central Hydrometeorology, in 7 hours on 31-7, the position of the storm at about 17.4 degrees Nida North Latitude; 123.0 degrees east longitude, on the eastern coast of the Philippine island of Luzon. The strongest winds near the center of the storm in the strongest grade 10 (90-100 km / h), 11-12 shock level.

Location and direction of movement of the storm Nida - Source: Center for Hydrometeorology Forecast Central
Location and direction of movement of the storm Nida - Source: Center for Hydrometeorology Forecast Central
Forecast for the next 24 hours and storms move from the Northwest, each hour is about 20 km away and continue strengthened.

1-8 hours to 7 days, the position of the storm at about 20.0 degrees North Latitude; 119.0 degrees east longitude, about 600 kilometers from Hong Kong to the southeast. The strongest winds near the center of the storm in the strongest grade 12 (120-135 km / h), 14-15 shock level.

From 1-8 Tomorrow morning, the waters northeast China Sea strong wind 8-10 level, near the center of the storm passing level 11-12, 14-15 shock level. Raging seas. Disaster Risk level 3 level.

In the next 24 to 48 hours, storm moving west northwest, each hour is about 20 km away, and continues to strengthen.

Satellite images of storm clouds Nida - Source: Center for Hydrometeorology Forecast Central
Satellite images of storm clouds Nida - Source: Center for Hydrometeorology Forecast Central
2-8 hours to 7 days, the position of the storm at about 22.0 degrees North Latitude; 114.0 degrees east longitude, on the waters of Hong Kong - Macau. The strongest winds near the center of the storm in the strongest grade 13 (135-150 km / h), 15-16 shock level.

Sea waters east northeast 8-10 grade high winds, the storm center passing near levels 11-13, 15-16 shock level. Raging seas. Disaster Risk level 3 level.

In the next 48 to 72 hours, storm moving west northwest, each hour is about 20 km away.

Also, due to the operation of the southwest monsoon to the South China Sea (including the Spratlys waters), waters off the provinces from Binh Thuan to Ca Mau strong wind 5 levels, at a level 6, 7-8 shock level. East Sea.

Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

 During the Gala Awards Night Variable perfect chemistry occurred at 30.7, many of which Tran Thanh expressed disappointment at the result of the game show, and a few seconds later, he also makes viewers turned to disappointment when cuddling girlfriend while contestants are awarded. Conversely Pham Huong make fans proud to reach the top 50 most beautiful women on the planet. Supermodel Ha Anh, the surprise dominant player, with his helicopter groom wedding. Ha Ho is "diamond giants" silently escorted to a concert in Hanoi ... opinion that was buzzing occasion.

Showbiz news: Ho Ngoc Ha in the same house with diamond giants, Miss 2 times jerk husband
The town held a secret marriage proposal Hari Won
Hot showbiz news: Pham Huong Lan Khue delete marriage discord rumors, the Chinese-American Miss ugly
The holes are so lovingly town Hari Won untimely

Gala Awards Night Variable perfect chemistry occurred at 30.7. Championship belongs to the iconic Le Ngoc Lijuan same bonus amount of 300 million. "The documentary of Phuong Thanh" - Hoang Yen stood at No. 2, a copy of the Noo Phuoc Thinh - Vietnam Thai won 4. Visualize Dam Vinh Hung Tuan Phong cause discontent when only about 3 minutes.

Many have expressed disappointment at this result and for that had the intervention of the manufacturer. Therefore, the moment crowned Le Ngoc not get the applause that awards night air was sporadic.

Hot showbiz news: Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

The town also does not hide the disappointment on her face before unexpected results of the competition must make Hari Won Game teaser boyfriend to help him regain spirit.

But only a few seconds later, the male comedian has regained feeling. He lovingly girlfriend while contestants receive prizes.

Hot showbiz news: Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

Pham Huong entered the top 20 most beautiful women in the world
Pham Huong has just honored to be named as Richest The page in the Top 20 most beautiful women in the world.
Hot showbiz news: Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

Upon this news, Pham Huong emotion shared on Facebook: "The happiness and pride in the beauty of women in Vietnam are well received and international friends to love. And more than happy to be on the list along the beautiful woman whom I adore. and young, not devote any problems. Thank magazine Richest. "
Ha Anh dominant player, with his helicopter groom wedding

30.7 evenings, Ha Anh with husband Olly Dowden wedding ceremony at the beach of a luxury resort in Da Nang. The wedding was held cozy with the presence of 60 guests close to the bride and groom. Ha He had shared, she wants her wedding party really comfortable and private. "I just need to be yourself, through space with their loved ones really," she said.

Besides space is organized outdoor wedding, the wedding of the features is screen her husband flew down to the beach in the loud cheers greeting friends and relatives.
Hot showbiz news: Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

Hot showbiz news: Tran Thanh lovingly Hari Won untimely, "diamond giants" silently cheering Ha Ho

Thu Minh studied law

Between "the storm" scam accused, hiding debt, singer Thu Minh sharing photos casual dress, dine and relax reading a book with the lines written meaningfully: "gentle afternoon to eat and study law. Have a nice weekend, everyone".

Sao Vietnam controversial because the Conduct 'hammer'

Many big stars of the music industry often make mistakes Vietnamese culture controversial behavior.

Thanh Lam

Last weekend, after the performance of Ming As in "mysterious factor in 2016", the coach also made comments opposing viewpoints. With the song "Not interested," 17-year-old contestant encounter strong reaction when Tung Duong said that the lyrics and the message of the song is not appropriate when you're too young and was standing in a contest. He even said that he was offended when sitting on the hot seat, which makes him not acceptable.

To advocate for my students, Ho Quynh Huong said that she was again express feelings of songs not mean "I will not be sad because the coach said." If the explanation is more audience cheered, the diva Thanh Lam sympathy turned to face only: "Why do you say that, you'd say that was lying there."

Developments on the hot seat this time was edited when broadcast live on television, but on social networks by appearing clip accidentally audience back attitude and actions "flexing" Thanh Lam juniors .

Female diva also shared personal page that: "A young girl, not learned through a note that inflated to very poor then. Also, the daily trainer acting with himself. Everything is false. "

Although insiders though refused to speak or comment on the incident, but in the online community still intense controversy because of Thanh Lam attitude. Many people believe that there should be no anonymous statements lampooned in a television program. In particular, are the judges, who make art, the critics, "flexing" on television is behavior "markets" and difficult to accept.

Tuan Hung

Tuan Hung was often "fuming" on a personal page when pressing for those who do not gratify him by the spokesman streets, use a variety of vulgar, hard of hearing.

Male singer ever expressed anger and swear on a personal page to share that program "favorite song" did not respect him as a name and picture of him behind many other young singers. Even, he also did not hesitate to "tag" straight diva My Linh name and musician Huy Tuan.

My Linh disappointed about juniors and comment on the post: "How childish and announced in public speaking should not uncultured like that!"

Recently, the singer posted herd continued to hunt for a man is said to have used vulgar words for his family, especially his son Hao Su. Known as the feisty, outspoken, but the attitude and behavior as "Gypsy" as the art of a people, is the idol of young people caused much controversy.

Do Manh Cuong

In the show Spring Summer 2015, shortly after the collection is performed, a lot of ideas that Do Manh Cuong "direct copying" the design of the designers in the world.

Designer Do Manh Cuong also "fuming" with those elements he "stole" the idea that: "A bunch of crazy fun and useless spare back up limp limp as dying of hunger".


Male singer Yanbi ever slipping in a series of scandals related to behavior culture. In addition to constantly swear, swearing on a personal page, Yanbi each "miserable" because a clip posted on the social network when in traffic fines for not wearing a helmet. In the clip, the singer repeatedly used vulgar words, intolerant attitudes and challenge the working group on duty.

He also became the subject of gossip after scandal scuffle with his girlfriend Andrea and cursing continuously posted above ...

As a celebrity, rather than having to keep good image in the eyes of fans, Yanbi kept making mistakes about antisocial behavior, especially actions cursing, "the upper leg and lower forearm," for you girl is an action is unacceptable.

Hoa Minzy: 'I'm into debt, empty-handed'

Girlfriend Cong Phuong shared player than concentrating for a familiar face and a short film should be about half this year she did not make any money, "to borrow the other place and there hitting."

In a conversation with reporters, Hoa Minzy shared candidly about the tremendous pressure to make money to invest in the product, care for their parents as well as customary bracelets everything in life.

The singer shared the following familiar faces, she herself suffered from empty-handed, not to mention the previous debt.

Not earning half of this year.
- Ending the familiar face, the most valuable thing you get is what?

- Do not place heavy things to win, but knowing I was eliminated before the finale, I was sad and at a loss. Worth, I do not cry, but people calling to inquire touched me and crying.

However, what helped me was to revive the spirit of the audience vote number. Week disqualified, I got less than 30%, in the last week, the number of votes increased rapidly.

I realize the fans continue to vote for their money, we must invest effort for the final night of competition. And finally, when receiving awards are the most popular candidate is exactly what I feel most proud of. - Many fans appreciate this season failed because no worthy champion. What do you think? - If someone asked me to champion, I also frankly share Vo Ha Tram it is. After the finale, I spoke directly with Khanh on this. Knowing that he would have little lemon hearts but because you play yourself, I do not want to bring bad voice behind others. Khanh surprise that he agrees with me.

Anyway the game is closed. I'm happy for Cong Khanh, wanting him out of the truth or to deserve his title.

- After the program, scheduled to run her show changed how?

- When you are doing, I get a lot of invitations, but because focusing workout should not take what is shown. Shortly thereafter, I received an invitation to participate in the movie should spend most of his time on the set. Generally, throughout half years I did not make any money.

Bonuses may be in 2 weeks after winning charitable, tax deductible no longer enough to invest for the other items. 100 million obtained from the favorite candidates were also offset the performance in the finale. Currently, I am making money with very urgent and important. - So the last time, she manages how life? - Before I amassed a small account, but after making short films and buy songs, no longer considered as well. I'm not the type who prefer branded plush toys or eating should not lose money on that account. However, I still have to worry about rent, travel and support for parents.

You know the feeling to go on loan to fill this place to place, until there is no money back installments? I'm like that. Coming after filming finished, I'll have to invest a sum but continued to work, as well as empty-handed.

I have to think about it that much confusion, not knowing when to buy a dream come true buy a new car. Really talk about these things I was afraid lest people think you all day narrative, but it is the honest heart.

"I'm in the rental price of 3.8 million."
- Heard you're in a modest place?

- The monthly rental cost me 3.8 million, additional living expenses are more than 5 million. I do not need too luxurious life should also feel comfortable. The area is also quite safe, go take night about no worries. So even though the little bit but not too inconvenient. - Life in Saigon is still very difficult, so why do you still give parents from their homeland to live here? - The sister of my own family, or working away, parents should take care of what I should do. Parents are people in the countryside should live every penny earned as well as proper work, not bear to sit there.

Mom please do maid, cleaning, cleaning in a company, but I resisted. Sometimes I have some primary heart because at home, I also see the famous singer should not be given to the mother struggled so.

Therefore from now until the end of the year, I hope I settle all my debts and dedicated to make money parents can live more comfort.

- At age 21, she suffered a huge burden from making money, from work, life. So what is her silence? - When sad, I never go to anyone, including parents. At those times, I choose to be alone, throwing furniture in the room and came back quietly cleanup. Feeling everything looked neat clutter becomes clean and make me more relieved.

About a year back, I do not cry anymore. Maybe because I grew up, strong and calm before things than before. Through a familiar face, the audience and the media for my more sympathetic look before so I also somewhat more confident. Previously, I've locked myself in the room almost 2 months, causing parents to worry. It was the first time in my life feeling helpless to myself, how to autism.

I chose to remain silent in order to settle this matter right or wrong, because also from her that out. After Star Academy, I was more known then a few months later repeatedly insulted by the words antifan not. Until joining the familiar faces I was confident return to the profession.

Noi Bai International Airport after all jams hackers

 Domestic terminal T1 has opened more counters on the machine should no longer view as long as guests packed last night. However, the electronic board flight information not operate that airport staff to guide passengers standing.

30/7 morning, the domestic terminal of the Port T1 Noi Bai international aviation (Hanoi) was ventilated, no jam scene by computer networks as hackers attack at 29/7.

Many passengers said not wait long after the procedures, nor witnessed long queues.

The counters in the terminal T1 procedure has restored about 50% of computers.

Expected full system of electronic check-in will be restored today.

However, the electronic board information about the flight, loudspeaker system has been deactivated.

Thu Thao Dang Thuy Tien was angered by 'stoning'

Before disparaging opinions wife Thuy Tien - Cong Vinh on the bridge building charity, the original Miss Bac Lieu has defended the actions of senior beautiful.

27/7 days, Thuy Tien Cong Vinh commune and he attended the inauguration of the bridge in Kien Giang by the couple she funded the entire cost of construction. This is the second bridge and husband singer funding aims to help poor people at home Thuy Tien.

To remember the kindness of Thuy Tien - Cong Vinh, Thach Tay Commission (Kien Giang) named the couple named the bridge.

In addition to building the bridge, couple Kiss Me singer also sponsored more than 40 water jars to CHS, schools level 2, level 3.

Beautiful act of conjugal Thuy Tien received many compliments from neighbors in poor villages, as well as thanks from the local government.

However, immediately after the bridge picture posted on the report, besides the opinions supporters, some netizens said that his voice had forgotten and social caEm are deliberately colored, or charity to show off purposes. Even, many commentators are disparaging looks temporary bridge, is not properly invested or technical errors.

Before the negative comments from netizens, Miss Dang Thu Thao posting lines urgent mood on individual pages.

Miss said that artists are always anxious to receive suggestions sincerely for their efforts, also with the idea scrutiny, it is necessary to condemn seen.

"Do not know how you meant well. Who do you listen to your charitable'm finished speaking people would not dare to do it again because it is too discouraging you, "she wrote. Finally, Miss countryside Lieu sister sent a message: "Love Fairy sister".

Miss Vietnam 2012 rarely make personal comments about social issues, so, when shared across segments posted comments received much sympathy.

They all agree with the thinking of the beautiful and devoted no less praise for meaningful employment of spouses Cong Vinh - Thuy Tien.
Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 7, 2016

Miss candidates family denied rumors that surface

Possesses many advantages available, runner Tra My sister became candidates for the throne Miss, but she denied that the family wealth, power.

Ngo Thanh Thanh Tu (born 1994), is currently featured contestants in the Miss Vietnam 2016. She is 1.80 meters tall, graduated from the Institute of Foreign Affairs. Besides the advantage of height, contestants also owns endearing faces, personalities close, calm.

In the preliminary round the northern region, Thanh Thanh Tu was noticed when the Asian sister Miss Universe 2015 - Ngo Tra My. Tra My and Thanh Tu was born into a Catholic family home. Dad worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is working at the Embassy of Vietnam in a European country.

With the advantages of appearance, family, education, Asian sister Miss Universe became one of the brightest candidates for the throne Miss Vietnam 2016.

Take the exam, everyone is looking forward to standing in the highest podium!

- Being runner sister Ngo Tra My Universe so she was noticed right from the preliminary round. Her face pressure itself when being compared to her sister?

- Sister runner is the pride not only my own but also the family, relatives.

If sure no pressure is not correct. Any success that also need luck. When entering the contest, I determined to do our best and hope she My lucky to be able to achieve a certain success.

- Many participants of the beauty contest for the title, status and fame. Myself sister to Miss Vietnam 2016 for?

- As a new graduate school, what I need most is experience. This competition is very different environment to the auditorium, where I can challenge, forge itself, set confront the difficulties in life.

- The advantages are that you become the lucky girl that does not have to strive much, you think?

- Perhaps these advantages have become weaknesses because it denies the efforts that I'm trying.

Miss Vietnam is large and prestigious competitions. In order to achieve success requires a lot of factors, including the relentless struggle of the contestants. Not only me, any participant who is suspended, lose focus and not try will not get the desired results.

No one is perfect, I myself have their strengths, but also weaknesses. However, I believe the skills required in the competition can train and improve their. With the efforts, hard work I can turn weaknesses into their strengths.

No early marriage as runner sister

- Many people comment with what is there (family background, beauty, education), she deserves crowned Miss Vietnam 2016, how you expect?

- Of course, entering contests, I or the other contestants are keen to be able boarded the highest podium. However, the final outcome is difficult to predict. Moreover, this year is very good quality candidates. The advantages I have, other candidates also, sometimes even better. So, the jury will be very hard.

My family is no different than other families. I'm lucky to be in favor relatives, respect their decisions.

- At the present time, Ngoc Tran, Miu is said to be the two most serious competitor of sisters, any advantage helps her striking when compared to them?

- At this point, any participant who is also my opponent. They are the brightest candidates for the throne Miss. You each have strengths that I must be wary of.

I think of myself as an independent individual, I have the distinct personality. I would confidently assert themselves own image without being confused with anyone.

- Tra My sister convey to you what the Threshold experiences finalists Miss Vietnam, took place in August?

- In addition to the skills needed to participate in a beauty contest, she was passed to me My confidence modern woman. She told me: "The belief and bright smile is the best baggage brought him success."

- Tra My runner up the opportunity to participate in Miss Universe 2016 to early stable family life, many people believe that you intend to follow her sister, her answer?

- As sisters, but each has the look and different direction in life. I'm still young, and many dreams and ambitions. I need to focus on carrying out the wishes of themselves.

Vietnam remains attractive to foreign investors, but

 In the eyes of foreign investors, Vietnam is a country with potential and importance.
It was shared by Robert Gerard Tautges, CEO HLB International Conference on the theme "Investing transnational: Challenges and Prospects" held on 28 - 30/7.

The conference has attracted representatives from more than 20 member firms of HLB international organizations from 19 countries in Asia - Pacific. At the conference, the participants shared the view that Vietnam continues to attract foreign investors, but will have more intense competition in the region.

Discuss the world economic situation 5 years, highlights that the delegates shared the world's economic growth difficult recovery than expected.

Specifically, data from the International Financial Institutions (IMF) showed that, in 2010, the world economy a great increase of 5.2%; from 2011-2015 was 3.9%, respectively; 3.2%; 3.4% and 3.1%. The economic outlook in 2016-2017 is weak and unstable, this is expressed through international organizations constantly changing forecasts and put the uncertainty of numbers.

Emerging challenges mainly due to decline in emerging economies such as China, India, the world economic growth is below potential. The consequences of the countries promoting economic policy mainly due to pour money into the market to intervene directly without emphasis on improving infrastructure, operation and capacity of financial institutions.

TS. Vo Tri Thanh, Deputy Director of Institute for Economic Management Central said, the prospects of the world economy is facing a lot of risk, prompting investors and consumers are cautious. The oil price shocks and other commodities shows no signs go away. Especially noteworthy are the US, Europe and China are conducting monetary tightening. This will affect the monetary policy of the country, while concerns about the impact of the global economic Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union to.

Investment trends in the world will also be influenced by factors such as the balance between the economic sector creating real products and non-material industry, the integration of economies, requires the creation and especially sustainable development.

Investors and businesses also need to pay attention to the impact, the impact on GDP of ASEAN ++ FTA - RCEP (see table), the influence of TPP, EVFTA and RCEP (see table).

Commenting on the investment prospects between the countries in the region and Vietnam, Robert Gerard Tautges, general director of HLB International, said that there is no limit. In the eyes of foreign investors, Vietnam is a country with potential and importance. Vietnam possesses natural resources abundant, rich and a lot of other potential which countries are looking for.
Terry Blenkipsop, representing investors from Australia shared that, he came to the conference and Vietnam this time to learn that Vietnam offers for customers, as the foreign investors that they are providing services.

"We often hear about Vietnam market. These things are very attractive to our customers in finding the business development opportunities. The potential that we see in Vietnam, which is one of the fastest growing countries of the region, "Mr. Terry said.

Answered reason investors interested in Vietnam this time, Vo Tri Thanh said, thinking that reforms are quite strong, with the expectation of the new leaders, the education system is focus more attention, investment and business environment gradually improved strongly. But the challenge to compete with Vietnam is very large, because looking at the ASEAN + 3 includes Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, can still see the problems that Vietnam must improve in order to reduce costs as investors obtain permit or some other slow reform others.

Ms. Winnie Wong, came from Canada also referred to the detrimental issues of Vietnam as the infrastructure is not uniform, a shortage of high quality human resources as in place as general manager or middle management ...

HLB International is an international network of audit firms and professional management consultant, with approximately 21,000 employees at 600 offices in over 130 countries worldwide. HLB International Conference of the Asia - Pacific region is the annual meeting by the HLB International network host. 2016, auditing firm AASC hosted the event.
According to the Robert Gerard Tautges, general director of HLB International, AASC is a member firm of HLB ideal that search, the position is a prestigious accounting firm, is responsible for customer support set the business in Vietnam, help answer many tax issues, administrative procedures
Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 7, 2016

Will have management regulations after crowned Miss?

A series of questions and concerns of the public and media concerning the incident reigning Miss America Duyen puffed on cigarettes in a coffee shop recently, the management of Miss after signing the

Miss Duke was doubtful crown

The fact that in Vietnam, was not at the beautiful story after crowned Miss, Miss, runner ... has run into the messy noisy. Especially in the past few years, many have caught Miss scandal, even stripping the crown is required, typical of which must include the Miss Vietnam 2006 - Mai Phuong Thuy. In 2012, public opinion waves upon detecting a set of photos a few years of beauty, in this photo, she was dressed in white robes thin tang, penetrating and shaping the offensive, many people rated jobs this makes her a great influence on the image Ao Dai Vietnam, pristine and pure capital. After this incident, Mai Phuong Thuy has sent a letter of apology audience, but the work became more tense when the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has "agreed Duke crown Miss", but the deprivation crown Miss no basis and the work quickly subsided soon after.

Next is Miss Vietnam 2008 - Thuy Dung, her scandal to right in the coronation night when she accidentally dropped the crown has put on. Not stop there, shortly after his coronation day, Thuy Dung has not disclosed the high school graduation, this information made public opinion "fall back", because according to the rules of the contest Miss Vietnam, candidates must be at least equal high. Many objections to Miss a fraudulent process records. Even, many argued that Thuy Dung returned to crown the regulations. During that time, Miss virtually no contact with the press and so far she rarely appeared in public.

And most recently, Ky Duyen, perhaps she is one of the "non-market beauty" Miss Best Vietnam history, because after two years since the coronation, Ky Duyen has left a bad impression in the hearts Notarized. Right after the finale, the public said that her beauty is not worthy of the position of Miss. Then, Ky Duyen scandal also stick to a series of suspicious noise cosmetic surgery to look poor sleeping conditions, event and most recently late scandal smoking in public places, drunk in a bar.

The clip recorded States Coast scene in the cafe, holding a cigarette a stylized art was widely circulated on social networks, causing mixed reactions in public opinion, some people claim BTC contest HHVN stripped to her crown. Before the pressure of public opinion, Ky Duyen up their social networking sites to apologize to the public, but it seems that this act of Miss has yet to soothe public opinion.

Need appropriate management regulations

Concerning the work of past Miss Ky Duyen, Miss Vietnam BTC Chief - editor in chief of The Pioneer, said Le Xuan Son has set up a council BTC handling Miss Ky Duyen smoking. BTC also met, worked with Miss Ky Duyen and consultation of experts in the field of cultural management and law. However, so far there is no information and conclusions of BTC for this incident.

In the final night of Miss Vietnam 2016, many questions and concerns posed to contest HHVN BTC will do when a beauty queen known only by the non-market story, the scandal, instead of having these activists Social benefit the community?

Related to this issue, a person working in the performing arts manager, said after the coronation, the beauty queen must sign commitment to implement its obligations with BTC. Miss also favors, privileges, benefits from the title, so Miss must have the qualities and the obligations associated with the title, one that is non-smoking, drunk. .. But the fact shows that the pageant BTC were disbanded after the completion of the task, so the problem occurs with crowned Miss after often no one is responsible for solving. It is also one of the difficulties in dealing with the problem after the coronation and the lack of direction for the contest Miss following shall be considered as belonging to BTC.

After the incident of Miss Ky Duyen, BTC said the competition HHVN 2016 will be added to the regime of the beauty queen to avoid mistakes. Le Xuan Son, head of BTC Miss Vietnam 2016 also said: "To learn from experience, BTC has made additions to the regime of the Miss. This will supplement the provisions closer to sanctions for violations. Besides, BTC also manages more closely and make recommendations to the relevant authorities to consider stripping the crown of Miss not keep good image and not complete their responsibilities in term of 2 years after the coronation , though this is no precedent in Vietnam. We hope that with determination, will contribute to raising awareness and responsibility of the crowned beauty queen after ".

Star men sentenced to prison for 72 years to resist kissing young girl

Court ruling was announced on the afternoon of 26/7 after nearly 4 years of follow events. However, men aged romantic artist remains resolute appeal.

Tan Lang said news agency Taipei Court sentenced Xu Duan Uncle 3 months in prison for harassment, forced marriage and blooper body with a young artist in his 30s. To the judge said it was the appropriate punishment based on criminal law against sexual harassment.

However, after leaving the hearing, 72-year-old artist constantly grievances. He also affirmed not accept this verdict and filed an appeal resolutely. "Despite 10 years or 20 years, I will pursue to the end".

Meanwhile, refute this testimony, Mr. Hua repeatedly affirmed, "plaintiffs 'delusional'. "It's just a polite kiss on the cheek, forced marriage can not call. And the body blooper just act normal handshake. If I say society can harass anyone escape the crime? That day she accompanied me to a restaurant and there are about 8 people, everyone can witness, "he said boldly. Duan also cry Uncle promised to make Taipei Mayor prolonged litigation.

Uncle Duan Hua scandal sued for harassment occurs in March 8/2012. The victim was not a well-known artist in the industry. She said Uncle Duan Hua was forced to kiss advantage in a party, then he was touching her body. "He also told me to be a lawyer to know silence, a nine fast healing. But I felt I was humiliated, "she declared at the police station.

The judge in the case of harassment interview proved helpless: "He's a senior in the arts but does not know self-criticism misconduct and remorse do not know."

Uncle Duan Hua born in 1944, is considered the pioneer artists in the arts in Taiwan for over 50 years. Born in a family of artistic traditions, he expressed very early Pigments. Since 1962, Uncle Duan Hua emerged with many works of music, dance, art classic ranks.

In 2008, thanks to the constant contribution to the arts, he was leader of Taiwan - Ma Ying-jeou praised. "Taiwan has been artists such as Uncle Duan is a great honor," said Ma Ying-jeou.

Sex scandal late in life that for years the reputation of Uncle Duan river drift away sea.

Korean actress cheer Dinh Manh Ninh's concert

Han Min Chae said recording medium has a live broadcast of the concert on Dinh Manh Ninh Internet made her want to watch and learn.

Han Min Chae is a familiar face in the popular TV series such as South Korea's  
Kim Soo Ro ,  Love, My Love,  Melody of Love ...  With acting diversity, evolution, gradually asserted her talent and local audience favorite. In addition to acting, Han Min Chae also advertising model for several brands.
In concert Dinh Manh Ninh Live,  Han Min Chae will contribute to cheer the singer. She said: "In Korea, I had the opportunity to meet the crew of the American Bar - Company Dinh Manh Ninh managers - to discuss collaborative projects between them and my management company in time to come. When he heard about the project Dinh Manh Ninh Live , I feel extremely excited and look forward to attending. I feel this is a new format, not only in Vietnam, but even in Korea ".
Han Chae Min actor.
Dinh Manh Ninh Live project is a live concert, recording and live recording, live stream (live broadcast) on multiple platforms. After the show, the singer will release a video online of 12 songs performed in the concert.The program was produced by consulting director Cheol Bae Jun from Korea.
Jun Cheol Bae directors each have many years of experience in the role of executive producer of many television stations, many companies such as Elite Model entertainment, Olive9 ... One of the most recent projects is the film he Yeongju broadcast last Lunar New Year, with the participation of many Korean veteran actors like Choi and Han Eun-jung.
Singer Van Mai Huong will appear in concert at the end of Dinh Manh Ninh July. 
Night Dinh Manh Ninh Live  broadcast on TV from 19h45 FPT 30/7 days, compared with 15 minutes before the official start time in the theater.Thus, fans can follow the preparation of the organization, backstage images. Concert also has the participation of singer Van Mai Huong and Ha Le rapper.

Apple revenue down 14.5% in Q3

Apple reduced revenue and profit mainly due to iPhone sales slowed down.
Apple could lose 20% of sales in China
Chinese companies use layoffs if the PCA ruling iPhone7
iPhone may be prohibited to prevent smuggling
Apple has released the financial report for the third quarter / 2016 with revenues of US $ 42.4 billion, down 14.5% from the same period in 2015.
In the second quarter and third quarter, Apple's revenue was reduced, mainly due to profit selling the iPhone is delayed. Also, in recent times the Apple product line also does not cause the breakthrough, making Apple's revenue continues to drop.
Apple revenue down 14.5% in Q3 - photo 1
Image Source:

According to Neowin, the key product of Apple in April 3, 5 and 6 continued to decline last. Specifically, Apple sold 40.4 million iPhones (down 14.9% from the same period last year); iPad sold 9.95 million units (down 8.7% over the same period last year) and Mac sold 4.25 million units (down 11.5% from the same period last year).

Apple did not disclose sales of Apple Watch, however, according to research firm IDC, revenue market this product in the last three months also declined, with the number estimated to decrease by 55%.
However, App Store has helped Apple earned $ 5.9 billion, up 19% over the same period last year.
Apple predicted fourth-quarter revenue of about 45.5 to 47.5 billion US dollars, higher than the third quarter, but still lower than in 2015 (51.5 billion dollars).
Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 7, 2016

Sample Hong Kong billionaire jealous lover intimate with wife

Asian business people flying to the UK Trac States Mandy Lieu luring but then returned to Tue Linh Tran side.

Model Mandy Lieu is in the UK waiting for a second child billionaire Zhou Zhuo States. During this time, many newspapers published photos Trac series United pat, hugs his wife Tran Tue Linh. He also said: "I just know there is a wife, it's you." Since this statement, Tue Linh moved to tears. 
mau-hong kong-jealous-micro-nguoi-crystal-ty-phu-coal-mat-elephant-vo
Mandy Lieu and lovers - Hoa Chau Trac.
The source Appledaily said recently while reading news about Zhou Zhuo States - Tue Linh Tran,  Mandy Lieu angry, cry, make yourself do mẩy.European entrepreneurs have they flew to England to comfort, soothe lover.
But after leaving the UK, the US Zhou Zhuo caught Tue Linh Tran appear.Two people were temporarily not divorce to the care of children.
Termites tripartite relationship between Mandy Lieu Chau Hoa and Tran Tue Linh Trac noise Hong Kong entertainment industry for more than two years. On the one hand, the United Trac shown kindness to her, but on the other hand, I love caring for people.
mau-hong kong-jealous-micro-nguoi-crystal-ty-phu-coal-mat-elephant-vo-1
Tue Linh Tran Chau Zhuo and daughter with United. She and Mandy Lieu and business born daughter in summer 2015.
Trac Hoa Chau was born in 1974, business areas such as real estate, tourism, gastronomy ... He appeared in numerous entertainment events because often film production investment. Before Tran Tue Linh Chau Trac States through a lifetime wife and had a son. 

Ho Ngoc Ha: 'Missing man, I still know what to do'

"What if the men have to live without a certain stage in life, I still know what to do to stay independent and happy" - was born in 1984 singing his experience.

After the turbulent situation, Ho Ngoc Ha confidently answer any questions from reporters about whether related to the man or comment on vocals after years of standing on the stage still unknown words, so many and missing hone vocal technique.

"I have never received his good singing it."

- Looking back over, she saw Ho Ngoc Ha of current and new entrants different childhood like?

- I find myself changing much about everything, from voice, image to relationships. But I still keep their old lifestyle. What makes her stand should put it to respect principles.

- Non-urban kilometers Her full that many people assert "Her face has some floating". What do you think?

- Opposite! I also found myself rather lucky. There are many who worked more than 10 years, even decades still not get the desired position. And gossip or waves are also "spice" to add color to life.

Of course, I also have to try, can not rely on luck to get today. Despite such vocal or any case, you can not just sit there and wait one day will become a star shining. Especially in life is increasingly hectic, fierce requires people have to work, work and more today, as it never had.

- Prior comment after years of singing, but she still unknown words sing, dance a lot and do not pay attention to the cultivation of vocal technique, how you respond?

- I can never tell where his good singing. Therefore should be aware that I always try to offset hone in appearance, with the choreography. Of course, I also vocal training tirelessly throughout the years, not a day of rest.

With the compliments, I think that must be conscious enough to discern that they are flattered, and commended his soul with truth. Awake to feel, to perfect, to not run in the virtual shadow of praise but also not to get angry with the criticism, though no one likes to be criticized at all.

- So at the present time, I have confidence in something of yourself?

- Yes it makes me feel confident and also have longer confused. Going through hell, until now, I can be confident that their strong enough to overcome the turbulent if the front. And in terms of career, my most confident that this is possible at the stage and will also do this much longer.

Men need peace, not marketing fees.

- Many people told her there's always next man, sought and pursued. She answered how?

- According to you, you do not? Of course it does, but look at what I went through, maybe they just silently tracking me. Also sure to side, almost sure to be scared (laughs). Men need peace, just make them stronger but non-market process nor tolerate it.

Actually, I always respect the men had come to his life, despite his happy or bitter, it was an unforgettable experience.

Sometimes I think, their prices do not meet this person, the other person must have not seen waves. But then thought, if not met them, to make what he has learned the lesson so. I always respect what has passed, whether happy or bitter, are also past and part of his life.

- Do you fear a life alone, that no man?

- Alone also stars anyway. Miss out if in a certain stage in life but to live without men, I still know what to do so I was always independent, fun.

- The man walked past her her life did change happen?

- There are many where he used the word "the"? I am grateful to the men took over, no matter what they tell me the experiences and feelings of women. Throughout his career, there are many rumors about me "this or that," for many people. But in reality there's not much that? I also do, people will not "large" if every instinct like wayward life. So if wrong, to correct, that's all.

-What Are separately prepared a concert in Hanoi and Ngoc Tuan appearance in the cameo made many people wonder. So singing "Particularly a corner of the sky" will sing anything during her concert?

-In Night Love Songs, Tuan Ngoc will not be singing hits like a corner of the sky alone, Khuc Thuy Du ... Instead, he first sang my songs, so I chose personally. Currently, Tuan Ngoc still have to memorize the lyrics to humming along to me in the night.

- I expect anything to bring to Hanoi Love Songs?

- Love Songs - The love song is the theme of the anthology album released before, so was the audience favorite, so I choose to name the concert in Hanoi on 29/7. I and organizers will edit a list of the songs fit the audience's listening ear capital.

I also do not know what I would tell stories, to "treat" the star in the stage that long before had the opportunity to come back. But I will try to make a nice night, satisfied in accordance with what you like.

Mai Ngo 'miserable' when netizens continue to be prepared Photo

With a strong personality, Mai Ngo is she always acts and sayings attention. After episode 6 The Face has been broadcast, Ngo Mai is the main theme in the photo processing netizens humor.

After airing, episode 6 The Face has caused much controversy when Pham Huong third consecutive game kind of Lan Khue. Thus, the Lan Khue only a single member is Mai Ngo. Now, her personality will have to "balance" the team Lan Khue, alone compete with the teams remaining.

Also in episode 6, Mai Ngo also left a lot spokesman expressive personality and fun as usual. Therefore, the photos Mai Ngo continuous mode is released, causing many inevitable audience laughed.

A look at the pictures of this impressive processing:

Lindsay Lohan left the US after her future husband threatened to kill

After a heated argument with her future husband because he suspected infidelity, Lindsay Lohan has now left the UK, back to America with his family. Her boyfriend, Egor Tarabasov had gathered her belongings from the home of Lindsay in England.

Lindsay Lohan and her future husband quarrel

Two days ago, Lindsay Lohan screen already have heated arguments with her boyfriend Tarabasov Egor. She constantly cheating on her when he factors fun at a nightclub inside a strange girl. Lindsay and Egor engaged in last April and have been together for almost 8 months.

Lindsay Lohan has returned to the US and reassured fans she was okay after her boyfriend threatened to kill and betray.
Lindsay Lohan has returned to the US and reassured fans she was okay after her boyfriend threatened to kill and betray.
When Egor back home, Lindsay and I exchange words. A neighbor recalled, Lindsay Lohan indoor screaming while saying that the girlfriend trying to kill her. The police had to be at the home of Lindsay then but both protagonists have to leave here.

All the static on the conflict between Lindsay and Egor are "Queen of trouble" updates on individual pages. The latest, on his personal page, 30-year-old actress is now with his family to the United States wrote: "I'm trying to escape the fear and sadness". She also confirmed to fans that she was still very strong and stable.

Lindsay explained, she was taking time for yourself before you apologize for doing their fans worried by a range of information and pictures about the relationship between her and Egor. "All of us who can also make mistakes. Sadly, I was wrong when the public is always our relationship, "Lindsay writes.

Lindsay Lohan and her future husband when Egor Tarabasov longer happy together.
Lindsay Lohan and her future husband when Egor Tarabasov longer happy together.
Last 26/7 days, Lindsay had asked people to respect her privacy and not overly curious about the relationship between her and her future husband. Ending the long letter sent fans, Lindsay wrote: "It is possible, everything is chaotic ... can not ... But I was 30 years old and I deserve to have a strong man and tender. This life filled with love and light. Rather than anger. Thank you, who is always with me. "

A friend of Lindsay said that, though Lindsay and Egor always happy together, but the son of Russian billionaire real psychological problems. "Lindsay believes Egor can not control his anger and she wanted him to get treatment. They both want to resolve everything in sight, "this person told the New York Post.
Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 7, 2016