Reduce spending to avoid unemployment pedagogy
Unknown Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 5, 2016 No Comment

Ministry of Education and Training requirements for training institutions decreased enrollment quotas in 2017 for pedagogical overcome graduation without a job.

The school based on the facilities to identify pedagogical norms. Photo internet.
Ministry of Education and Training has sent dispatches to the provincial People's Committee, City and centrally about the construction plans for educational development - Local training in 2017.

The authorities of the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government should direct the training institutions determine enrollment quotas formal pedagogical training of preschool teachers, general education in 2017 according to the schedule fell right for the 2016. the aim is to overcome the graduating student teachers without jobs.

At the same time, the educational institution must be based on the teaching staff and the condition of its facilities, from which autonomy and self-responsibility in determining enrollment quotas graduate, undergraduate, colleges and professional level according to Circular No. 57/2011 / TT-BGDĐT provisions faculty and infrastructure conditions of the school and Circular No. 32/2015 / TT-BGDĐT regulations on the identification the enrollment quotas for higher education establishments.

Ministry of Education and Training Committee also suggested that the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government shall direct the training base the reduction targets for the sector show signs of excess manpower; made the switch from a training model developed scale, quantity to quality and efficiency; training of human resources associated with the needs of local and social.

At the scientific conference "Teacher training in multidisciplinary universities meet the requirements of the current education reform" was held in Hanoi recently, Mr. Bui Van Quan, Rector of the University deals Noi said: present teacher education system in Vietnam has shown many limitations, network training facilities has not really come from the development needs of teachers. "Network of teacher training institutions develop more unstable due to weak pedagogical colleges both in facilities and teaching staff are upgraded to university, or renamed to expand enrollment training sectors university level pedagogical pedagogy and outside, "said Quan emphasized.

Besides, the teacher training institutions are not closely linked with the preschool educational institutions, ordinary, not enough attention is given to the quality assurance conditions to unsustainable development, capacity low competition.

According to Bui Van Quan, to not fall into the oversupply of teachers, need to design the structure of teacher training institutions based on manpower forecasts to diversity education plans. Together, the network structure design teacher training establishments must pay attention to the diversity of models / methods of training. Network of teacher training institutions must be stratified, for example, has several teacher training establishments only perform the task of training highly qualified teachers.

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by Jillur Rahman

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