There will be only 47 handsets sold every second in 2016?
Unknown Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 6, 2016 No Comment

  Samsung is considering expanding the screen size on the S8 and improve market Galaxy smartphone growth momentum continued to decline signals a sad year of phone manufacturers.

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Forecasts, market analyst from Gartner shows that the phone manufacturers will continue to undergo a grim 2016 when only 7% growth compared to 2015.

If Gartner's predictions are correct, there will be a total of 1.5 billion smart phones sold this year, equivalent to 47 handsets sold per second, up three units compared to 44 units in 2015 .

There is not much difference between the rating of Gartner and Babbage, both agree that with this level of growth, by 2020, the market will only smartphones sold 1.9 billion units. An IDC analyst said that in 2016 will be sold 1:48 billion phones, do not differ too much from Gartner said.

There will be only 47 handsets sold every second in 2016?

Market saturation makes the device manufacturers in mind for 2010 than ever when the growth rate amounted to 73%. At the present time, in the US, Japan and European countries, the market has reached saturation point. China started slowing growth. The phone developers are forced to divert attention to India with a growth rate still reaches 29.6% in 2015.

Smarter consumers make phone companies must manufacture the device can be used for several years. Paradoxically, this is the main hindrance to the growth of the market.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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