Looking back at the event Apple and Nokia: The Opposition
Unknown Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2016 No Comment

Article represents the views and comments of the individual authors after Apple and Nokia's event took place a few days.
Article represents the views and personal feelings after the event Apple and Nokia took place a few days.

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Speculation and expectation. Well, that's 2 general feelings each of us, who love technology before every product that was released. If would be a major technology event, hosted by the likes of Apple and Nokia, the emotions that are being significantly increased. Like "adding fuel to the fire" is the background information is regularly updated press, constantly on the move all of the genuine product of that technology.

Looking back at the event Apple and Nokia: The opposite! -image-1382611079710

We always expect before each event Apple

Selecting this time to organize the event, Apple and Nokia are definitely want "a suit last batch", launching new products to the market, ahead of the storm last shopping and Christmas. So, they did what? If only in terms of offering new products, the 2 were excellently. And other factors, why? To evaluate the success of a technology event, we should be aware of and look at many aspects rather than just focusing attention on the number.

Location - first Instability

Start with Nokia, they have chosen Dubai in United Arab Emirates for their event. When carrying out the common practice in the European institutions or the US, Nokia has made sure of their own attempts. Can the Middle East and the Gulf countries as promising markets in the near future. This is also where the "more money like water, water is the oil" but not be "manipulated" by iOS and Android, so Windows Phone Nokia can have more land.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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