Journey from Miss 'clean' to 'beautiful cake'
Unknown Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 8, 2016 No Comment

Exit image of a beauty queen, Tran Thi Quynh choose life dedicated cycle chin in her role as wife, mother, and also strong, assertive when in the position of "hostess bakery" Saigon nực .

Tran Thi Quynh was one of Miss with a picture "clean" one. Her little scandal, not something messy, no non-market, non jubilantly in the newspaper. A far cry from the image that people see on stage, also looks different with a sexy, dresses loose on their impulses of her Miss, Quynh impress her contact person by discreet beauty, classic .

Do not grab the title as a launch pad to join showbiz, Miss Tran Thi Quynh seemed "lost" in all the events, arts activities. She chose life simple, gentle and for that I have no affinity with showbiz. Still, beauty hearted, gentle and radiant smile of Miss sports that the public still remembered.

Sharing the deeper reason for not working in showbiz, Quynh said: "I like to do more specialized work. Preferring to concentrate its own time and passion surrounding ones. Entertainment environment also need serious, hard work is truly shine and be recognized. And if hard for recreational activities is not much time left for work, passion and their loved ones again. "

Few people know that, Tran Thi Quynh today was a "hostess bakery" in Saigon. Enamored with bread, sometimes Tran Thi Quynh Miss forgot that he was simply a very normal bread. That is one twist that daring to look back at the sight now sometimes Quynh want tears.

Quynh tells days in Saigon with her husband lived, she herself faced many difficulties and crestfallen, to the independence, so she tried to do all the following areas: pre-school, host, fashion design school business refreshment, even to open 1 noodle soup ... "At that time, the busy work but it feels like standing in the middle 'road junction', not knowing where to go on."

And then, Quynh met her in the delicious taste of each slice of bread in one bakery Au foreigners. "At that moment, I truly admire the craftsmen's hands have done it ... I remembered, liked and thought much about it - the first time his cake eaten in Vietnam and so tasty ! Maybe because it is no more or no. And even then I wondered: why not try baking it? "- Quynh share.

But the market as a battlefield: very intense, a lot of risk. Miss sports themselves have been engaged in the field of entrepreneurship that 100 people, only 10% of the remaining successful and most failed. Quynh choose that route, and of course beautiful people have tasted the bitter fruit many have been successful before as now.

Her bakery is open and her beauty queen does not count the broken cake in the oven first day. Is hard to produce quality cakes people really need and want. Is difficult to compete with European countless cakes and delicious nực old guard here. There's time Quynh stores only to buy foreign guests. Vietnamese guests almost no one. Quynh put many big question is why is that? Then would tell myself one bridge north to Europe to take the cake with Vietnam. Quynh want to conquer the Vietnamese people and foreigners serving in Vietnam.

We can say, Tran Thi Quynh was one of the few Miss has been successful life, happy in his career and marriage. Share on family life, Miss Sport said: "I always thought of her husband's family as his family. That is the secret help Quynh balance, soothing things to do in-law. I am happier because the feelings of the couple whose parents adored the two sides together ". She said that, because the starting point of both parents are those who come up from scratch, live simply and sincerely to two different families for special feelings.

When asked about his commune, Quynh said: "He is alive with personality, caring, worrying and get the best possible for their families. Besides, he is also very funny and fun, can always make me laugh every day. He fit me in simple personality in life and are subject to injury, hard at work. Both always support and encourage each other to do well ".

In parenting, both agreed to do so with a common voice, and peace is best for you.

Her Miss "chicken tồ" day is filled with happy hour live, love, and happiness happy motherhood. To her, her happiness is simply happy to live together, love, worry and care for each other.

She conceived life would be meaningless if your content with yourself, be content with what you have. And that "This life without a dream is floating 1 is nonsense! Nurture your dreams. And if, that dream becomes 'obsession' then make it a reality!" . Invariably she think about positive things, think you always have to grow, how to make each day that does not become useless.
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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