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Technology should not stop charging convenient, transparent

 Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia has asked the agencies and units should improve the legal basis of the project does not stop charging.

Technology should not stop charging convenient and transparent. Photo: VNA
Speaking at the meeting to report on the status of implementation of the project does not stop toll collection and vehicle load control across the country - Phase 1 applies to Highway 1 and the Ho Chi Minh Trail running through the Highlands in the form BOO contract, issued by the Ministry of Transport held on 10/8, in Hanoi, Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia has asked the agencies and units should improve the legal basis of implementation this project.

Also, soon to sign a contract between the service provider charges BOT investors and ensuring harmonious interests of service providers, investors, public authorities and citizens.

Reporting at the meeting, Mr. Vu Quang Lam, General Director of JSC Tasco (units Ministry of Transportation selected the project as an investor does not stop charging) said, in technology, is the consent of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Transport has assigned JSC Tasco research, pilot applications of RFID technology does not stop toll collection at toll booths 3 in Quang Binh, Nghe An (station Hoang Mai) and Dak Nong.

To March 3/2015, Tasco has completed deployment and successful testing of RFID technology at the pilot station and 3 to May 7/2016, the Prime Minister has approved the mass deployment of RFID technology for stations Free on Highway 1 and the Ho Chi Minh Trail running through the Highlands.

On investment procedures, the Ministry of Planning and Investment has granted registration certificates of investment for investors TASCO-VETC Consortium. Ministry of Transport and investors also signed contracts BOO investment project as a basis for implementation.

Highway toll station deployments do not stop (ETC) is divided into four phases: Phase 1 (2016-2018): Single-lane ETC barrier; in 2016 it arranged two-lane ETC / station, 2017 4 lane layout ETC / 2018 workstations and the whole layout of lanes in the form of ETC. Phase 2 (2019-2020): Single-lane ETC barrier, vehicle traffic in the case of E-card information with a valid tag. Phase 3 (2021): Single-lane ETC freedom, leaving barrier. Stage 4 (from 2022 onwards): multi-lane free-ETC.

At the meeting, many ideas for that: this is modern technology, the system can easily integrate and deploy a fast, simple and cost savings brought many benefits to the people and authorities government.

According to Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Hong Truong, with increasing traffic flow at high speed, if not earlier put the system into the toll station ETC will increase the likelihood of traffic jams at the toll station . Regarding technology, the policy of the Ministry of Transport is gradually DSRC technology (using OBU) is currently used in some stations to RFID technology (E-tag use cards) for the unification of technology.

However, at present a number of projects using ODA capital funded by foreign countries want to use their technology and equipment, this also makes it difficult for the general ETC systems integration nationwide.

"It should have everything integrated software system, the equipment must be selected from a variety of companies, different companies; prioritizing the equipment from domestic production with equivalent features "- Deputy Minister Nguyen Hong Truong recommended.

At the meeting some participants said that this is a new field offices should require independent valuation to determine the price; user equipment manufacturers in Vietnam to reduce costs and organize bidding to select the device.

In addition, the need to reconsider the schedule on expanding ETC stations fit reality in Vietnam; also note the selection of technologies toll on the highway to have the ability to combine multiple features in the management and administration of traffic.

Concluded at the meeting, the Minister Truong Quang Nghia reviews, this is the first project of automatic toll collection services, therefore relevant legal procedures even more. Learning from this project, the advisory body of the Ministry should review some pruning unnecessary procedure to the latter similar projects carried out single prize while ensuring compliance with regulations.

Currently, the highway and national highway route many unused toll booths charging technology does not stop, the Minister Truong Quang Nghia expressed encouraging investors to participate in the registration ./ future.

Quang Toan / BNEWS / VNA

Keywords: toll does not stop the transport
Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2016

Suggestions construction scheme of IT application in administrative reform

Afternoon 10/8, Vice Chairman Dang Quoc Vinh chaired meeting heard reports Draft Scheme "Promoting the application of information technology (IT) in the public administration reform (PAR) to improve index transparency and access to information on the activities of state agencies, contribute to improving provincial competitiveness ".
constructive feedback de an IT application in administrative reform

The draft scheme "Promoting the application of IT in the public administration reform to improve transparency index and access to information on the activities of state agencies, contribute to improving Provincial Competitiveness" by the Department of Information and Communication 4-part presentation: the legal basis and the necessary construction projects; situation and forecasts on IT application in PAR and evaluation indicators transparency and access to information; perspectives, objectives, tasks and measures to implement the scheme; a list of tasks and priorities of key projects implemented in the period 2016-2020.
constructive feedback de an IT application in PAR Director of Department of Information and Communication Phan Tan Linh: The central objective of the IT budget has nearly 5,000 billion, including funding for a part to accelerate project implementation in IT application in PAR ... "

Under the draft proposals, Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) as well as the transparency index and provincial access to information through the unstable years. Therefore, strengthening the transparency index and access to information have an important role in improving competitiveness, as well as provincial level competitiveness of enterprises. Accordingly, the overall goal of the project is to accelerate the application of IT in the public administration reform in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the activities of State agencies, focus on improving the transparency index and access information in a uniform at all levels of the sector, contribute to improving provincial competitiveness, maintain stability in general PCI and transparency indicators in particular in the top 10 of the provinces and centrally-run cities annually.
constructive feedback de an IT application in administrative reform
Director of the Department of Science and Technology Khoa Van: The province is implementing many projects related to public administration reform. Therefore, the Department of Information and Communication to clarify this is a stand-alone project or as a branch of the provincial PAR projects are implemented.

Total funding for implementation of the scheme is estimated 204.7 billion, of which the central budget 71.5 billion, 91.7 billion provincial budget, the district budget 29 billion and other lawful sources 12.5 billion. Project implementation period since 2016 to 2020.
At the meeting, the participants contributed comments and suggestions in writing to the agency soon complete drafting the proposal.
constructive feedback de an IT application in administrative reform
Deputy Director Phan Thi DOHA States: PAR of Ha Tinh is at very low levels. This is a large project should require research, invest carefully.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Chairman Dang Quoc Vinh stressed: This is an urgent project for transparent access to information, improving the competitiveness of the province. However, the proposals need to go deeper to assess the status a more specific way, conducting a public review of the information by state agencies last time.
On measures of implementation, the project needs to be more specific, the budget implementation should be calculated in the direction of withdrawal of the state budget to increase the budget and to socialize. The current situation is not in the habit of people to access information. Therefore, the scheme must take measures to overcome this problem. Besides, the project of the long time it takes the host institution for a specific route through the years.
Deputy Chairman also suggested, after hearing these comments, the Department of Information and Communication must urgently complete the scheme to cater for a meeting with the upcoming Provincial Council.

Thao Van unexpectedly struck beaming photos old husband Justice

Humor son Titus, Thao Van storm has caused the network to share photos with ex-husband to your social networks, getting the interest and attention of fans crowded.

Van MC.Thao marriage and shattered comedians Public Ly.da from about 7 years ago, causing regret for many viewers, however civilized behavior post-breakup of the couple to make the public to admire, adore.

7/8 pm, Thao Van surprise for the fans when she beamed photo released ex Justice party, the reason is to meet the aspirations of his son Titus. Women MCGap weekend together sharing witty: "Comrade Li bare Oh, this is really nice photos too! You just told her Titus brought to Facebook, your only way that little baby. It was getting too hot, this picture when I was more hot weather, leather jacket, after all! ".

Night and day, humor Justice has responded by ex-wife states: "Call each other as 'comrade' is doing it!" Thao Van expressed that it was an honor for him.

Reportedly, this picture by director Do Thanh Hai recorded. Old full of fun moments of Justice - Van Thao quickly attracted the attention of netizens. Many stars like comedian Van Dung Vietnam, artist Tra My, My Dung singer, Crystal ... also expressed interest and admiration relationship after the couple's divorce. Many fans also expressed how touched treated, forgiveness and smile "as unprecedented separations," the couple's beautiful this time.

Despite "part ways" but 7x comedian and former wife Thao Van still consider each other as friends, and try to offset feelings for his son. Both also are not afraid to meet face to face. In 2016 the recording hinhTao troops, Justice - Van Thao and Titus also baby reunited backstage program.

Thao Van was very injured stepdaughter Justice and good trying to kid Ants possible. Even those women who have had - coming in male life comedian, she also proved friendly and sociable.

Justice to Van Thao broke up when his first wife and 2 years of dating. After five years together, they suddenly divorced. 7x comedian also broke 3rd woman, though not married, but they had registered their marriage. Justice once said, to him, a wedding once more is unnecessary and expect their women to really empathize.

Van Thao also lived the life of a single mother during those years. At one point she had difficulty lobe atrophy disease and still have to rent the house with her son. However, "a mother" was always optimistic.

With the marriage was over, she did not blame and anger thing. Unsteady period after divorce for Thao Van long gone. Female MC talents each of his experience: "Whoever entering marriage holding hands and looking forward to go to the end of his life. It's just that none of us can foresee anything, may not know we go anywhere together. After all it is the unfortunate ".

Regarding the relationship with her ex-husband, she gushed: "Until now you always, no one minute we are enemies. Women or resentment but actually in things, causes are due both sides should not be right not to consider him as you ".
Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 8, 2016

Thu Ngan was crowned Miss Vietnam Global Identity

Tran Thi Thu Ngan beauty was crowned Miss with all seductive beauty and beauty this girl intellectual property.

Before the finale at Thanh Hoa, the Top 40 had the opportunity to get professional performances in the semi-final night in Phu Yen. Here, the Top 3 prizes also include awards were announced Beauty contestant image belongs to Tran Thi Thu Ngan (students in Switzerland), as well as the girl with the most endearing face in the judgment of many people follow the contest. Prize giving for the sea Beautiful Nguyen Thi Tuyet Anh (HCMC) was born in 1997 with a height of 1m74, weighs 56kg and measure 3 respectively within 86-62 - 88. Miss Talent Award is awarded to Nguyen minh Anh - Hanoi girl now lives in Australia with contemporary dance.

FLC finale in Thanh Hoa was opened by the performance and later dresses screen in a bikini ensemble of 39 active girls (contestants Thien My Abby Tang withdrawal for health reasons). After this performance, Tuan Anh and Ngoc Diem MC announced the Top 20 girls entered Dresses performances. 10 girls with the highest score is then announced to enter the contest prom.

Finally, the fifth brightest girls were called names include Ngoc Quy, Thu Ngan Anh Tuyet, Dieu Thuy and Thuy Hang. They had entered the contest as well behave quite embarrassing to answer too short.

The implementation of conduct:

Pham Thuy Hang contestants:

Question: In your opinion, to succeed in an increasingly integrated world, young people need to prepare what skills?

Answer: According to you, in order to succeed in an increasingly integrated world, young people need to morality, which is the soft skills. More indispensable language is required to develop and expand, giving identity to the overseas Vietnamese.

Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy contestants:

Question: If the opportunity to become Miss Vietnam Global Identity, what will you do to better the family and society?

Answer: If you become Miss, it was an honor and luck to me, I will try to live well, to preserve the image, which is responsible for his actions to what judges worthy of trust Awarded. Socially, they are going to use influence and his effort to help society grow increasingly more.

Candidates Tran Thi Thu Ngan

Question: According to you, in this age of globalization, you can see the need to keep the cultural identity of Vietnam or not, and why?

Answer: The identity of a people, the culture of a people and a nation's people is a core, whether or not integrated, they still have to preserve cultural identity. Vietnam integration rather than dissolved.

Candidates Vo Quynh Giao

Question: To become Miss Vietnam Global Identity, according to the candidate you need to converge What are these factors?

Answer: To become Miss naturally must have beauty, but beauty to the Vietnamese culture, wisdom, speak Vietnamese. Although everywhere in the world to know his origin where Miss should have all this talent, even where, where Vietnamese and also to say that I was in Vietnam.

Pham Thi Ngoc Quy Contestant

Question: Miss Identity Vietnam must do to not mix with the other Miss?

Answer: According to you, in any contest criteria are directed personality, beauty and intelligence. Factors that beautiful people always want to. Miss do not need to do anything different, just Miss do good things for society.

After the implementation of conduct of the Top 5, 4 prizes awarded on the final stage. Accordingly, Pham Thi Ngoc Quy contestants won the title of Miss Ao Dai. Miss Friendly titles belong to My Linh Pham Anna contestants. Miss Tourism title belongs to Bui Thi Thu Trang. Favourite beauty is Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy - sister Miss Dieu Linh Southeast Asia.

The final result was announced, the title of runner-2 belongs to Vo Quynh Giao - contestants from the US. 1st runner-up honors belong to Pham Thuy Hang. Pham Thuy Hang was living and studying in a foreign country as a child. Currently she is a student in Switzerland, specialized in hotel management.

Being Miss Vietnam Global 2016 Identity belongs to Tran Thi Thu Ngan. Thu Ngan born in Haiphong has a height of 1.7 m, three rounds are 87-59-92 measurements. This girl possesses good academic achievement, good use of English - French and community activities meaningful and abroad in Haiphong 20 years old girl is currently a student in Switzerland. Asian bold face the same journey represents efforts at Miss Identity Vietnam, the rise of Thu Ngan is a great result for more than 1 month before many rivals brightest.

A brief finale, no frills but lacks dramatic accents bikini as performance shortfalls as many spectators. However, with the first year's competition was held as Miss Identity Vietnam, this is a pleasing enough to the audience.

Why prostitutes for amateurs 'Bund' be compensated?

Filed a lawsuit against two major media sites in China, Liu Pictures Du has received favorable decisions.

Phoenix news agency said on 5/8, the court concluded the case of Liu Pictures Du with two pages Music Thiva Baidu because invasion of privacy acts causing serious injury. The court ruled there Thi Music page infringement and compensate 110,000 yuan. Meanwhile, Baidu was acquitted because there was no clear evidence. After the conclusion of the court, both sides Save the reserves are not available and Music Marketing. They continued to appeal filed.

The prostitutes of a prevailing media sites is rare in China. In an interview, Liu Pictures Du said even one party wins, but she believes that "the truth will be announced" in the coming time.

Earlier, on 15.05.2015, the actor Tan Bund - Hai Ba Huynh was arrested when sex acts at a hotel in Beijing. The woman he was selling sex for police detention and administrative penalties. Information about the pages she was posted blizzard.

Image height in base image Save Pictures Du observed on 1.8 meters high - the rarest of women. This anomaly makes the press immediately learn. Baidu and Music Marketing offers fastest information, confirmed Liu Pictures Du is a transgender woman. She secretly to Thailand surgery from 9 years ago.

Her mother - Mrs. Truong Minh respondents admit they are born, the reserves have different genitals normal boys. The doctors later confirmed her bisexuality. In 20 years, Thailand Pictures residues into surgery to live up to her desired shape. Besides transsexuals, she also performed many surgeries like rhinoplasty, eye correction. The information on the name, old photos and hometown of Liu Fig Du widely published. Public opinion also says Huynh Hai Ba had paid for sex "gaffe". Save the reserves this action allegations from the media for the purpose of the view has hurt her life. 4 years lover suddenly say goodbye after knowing the past, many people pooh-pooh her and her family. Fig Du itself was considering suicide several times. So she filed a court and claim 500,000 yuan.

Upon hearing this information, the Hai Ba Huynh said he did not care, do not want to mention the past.

Born in 1976, Huang Hai Ba graduated from Beijing Film Academy. However, as early as age 12, Hai Ba became acquainted with the camera when filming her famous. Later, he continued with some noted films such as New Bund, pursuit, love life, wonderful era of Huynh Hai Ba daughters ... special audience favorite and give nicknamed "national husband".
Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2016

The painful truth behind the aura of the artist

In fact, the artist lives grim corner not everyone understands ...

Sacrificing health, beauty own

In these times of coffee sitting with artist Huu Nghia, he said, the actor wants to do is to accept sacrifices job lot. One of the things that is health, beauty of ourselves.

The work of actors who are frequently exposed to intense light in the studio, the studio ... To get beautiful movies, the actor still has to take a softly, though he made them very light and pains cool.

Many artists after shooting pain and swelling of the eyes. Even before the artist because light takes so much later crippled the eye, not the weak eyesight but also long-term gaze away.

Throughout his career, the artist must constantly use everyday cosmetics.

No studies have yet to know of an artist cosmetics consumed in a year is how much, if any, I believe it is a shocking number for any drug a girl does makeup.

To get beautiful face radiant light under the spotlight, the artist must be "up" on his face chalk layers thick, the feeling can be peeled off if they dry into foundation bent.

But that's just the shoulder is not too complicated. With these roles requires elaborate, gaudy in disguise, even artists have to the makeup artists painted on his skin for several hours.

Whether it's a small role in the film "Ma dai" but the character of Taihe almost take time most makeup.

To play the movie on the Holy Su, each day Taihe takes 5 hours to 4 people to sit still for his costume.

This role required Taihe hair dyed red, red eyebrows and yellow Tipper body. Despite being the makeup artist used the best cosmetic products to avoid harming the skin but also the skin of the Taihe unavoidable ... something was worsening.

In the old days, Minh Nhí owns a very beautiful skin, but now, because of the side effects of cosmetics do you face every night - though are the good kind - but his skin was lumpy very evil.

Before becoming a professional make-up popular among Vbiz as now, Phi Phi also has to pay the heavy price for passion her beauty others.

To learn how to draw eyebrows, white birds of prey Phi Phi once shaved his eyebrows for skilled training. Islam in South Korea, to learn to disguise, after each day in school, at dinner, the main Phi Phi grab his face as "a guinea pig".

Done urgently, urgently set, skin rashes Phi Phi redness, swelling. After 6 months in the country, many people did not recognize him. They told him "the devil".

But because the craft enthusiasts, Phi Phi has never regretted. Even, he is proud of his sacrifice to get skilled and the esteem of many artists for their present.

Perhaps, the actor always thought the job, it's your career so nobody ever complained.

They were held for the charm craft on stage, the audience was injured ... how much fun they had was with the balance paid for what they sacrificed!

Swallowing tears into the heart to amuse the audience!

Huu Chau artists have told me that, acting very grim. I thought you said that come from what he and his family spent in the profession, in my life. But not really.

I began to think about the word "grim" that he used ...

Despite being a celebrity, a well-known street, but also scrambling to do the job just as many to be "outcast musician" so many artists fall into love, Telecom.

Huu Nghia artists loved daughter a businessman but he was not in favor of their affair only because he thought his profession as "outcast musician".

Hoa Hiep families also been pressuring lover Hoa Hiep conditions out of business, the new wedding.

With musicians, it more like autumn leaves!

But perhaps the most harrowing and grim even when the family is mourning, the couple divorced, being jilted lover ... the actor still has to go on stage to fulfill the responsibilities and his role, even it is a comedy to amuse the audience.

White Dragon artist ever been in that situation. 24 year-old brother, his mother died, the girl he loved dearly, even lived together as husband and wife - suddenly gone ... to get married!

Sitting in the dressing room, he'd do the crying, the tears just flowing incessantly. That night, he had to apply three times going back to work. Yet when the stage was full role.

Hieu Hien has portrayed the role on stage in his clown Hoai Linh live show on the day he lost his mother. Later, the press have repeatedly asked him about the grim, he said, then he cried tears dry. He swallowed tears in order to bring laughter to everyone.

Heard the crowd shouting, applause that he as soulless, lost all feeling. His mother, too, she also took to the stage on the day he lost his grandfather.

Hou said, artists have to accept that. He also said that there are so many artists have fallen into such a situation and he said it was difficult corners of the artists life.

Most recently, singer Hong Ngoc while taking part in a program in America when he died for our newsletter.

But Ruby still came on stage to sing and suppressed emotions in her heart but sing and cry ... until the end of the program, I would like the audience to new stops because words can not sing ...

Enormous wealth of the Chinese top star

Going along with the fame, these are the star has the most earning potential Chinese entertainment industry.

Trieu Vy

After play "My Fair Princess", Zhao Wei to name a meteoric. Consecutive success in the entertainment industry, Zhao began to shift from actor to director, also participated in the investment business in many other areas.

Along with the married man business-minded, is the 2nd largest shareholder of TV company Alibaba, Zhao as a foothold, relationships in the investment community.

Zhao has great power circle leading entertainment world, the total value of her and her husband of nearly 10 billion to yuan (34 trillion), she called female Chinese Warren Buffett (investor the most successful investments of the 20th century).


Bingbing from famous constantly upgrading its image. It is the fact she is one of the star density in the event appearing densest Chinese, that the price of the units would have to pay to look forward to obtain the presence of Bingbing also not cheap .

Bingbing has always been considered the queen of the red carpet leading, she also has her own company. Fan Bingbing value estimated to surpass 1 billion yuan (3400 billion).

Ruby Lin

Ruby Lin and Wallace Huo were together in the same house, prompting many people admire in their love story. In addition to the fullness of love, Ruby Lin, also known as a successful star with huge fortune.

Like two of his close friends, in addition to a film career, Ruby Lin also opened his own company and invested in many other establishments. Does not appear as dense as Fan Bingbing, but the properties of this girl also level par over 1 billion yuan (3400 billion).


Not possess such beauty Fan Bingbing or good looks of Huang Xiaoming, can assert radiant career Chou was achieved thanks to his exceptional talent.

Songwriting, instrumental combinations up to director of photography, actor, Jay proved his talent than in many areas of entertainment. He also became a face of gold for the music production program. Recently, the couple Chou also actively involved in investing in other sectors, such as opening a gym in many regions of the vast country of China.

Estimated assets of Chou also surpassed 1 billion yuan (3400 billion).


The bold comedy Stephen Chow might have to exert a great influence on an entire generation. He became a legend through the great role, until as a director for the films with box office sales peak. So no wonder when Buffalo Chow fortune has more than 1 billion yuan (3400 billion).

Huang Xiaoming

After the wedding with Angelababy century, the appeal of Huang Xiaoming names as spreads sharply. In addition to acting, Huang Xiaoming also is a star capable of genius to make money, have the ability to invest in the right direction, the right time.

The value of assets of Huang Xiaoming how much detail is unknown, but only his money to charity each year has amounted to 40 million yuan (13 billion), to demonstrate the value of guy where endures.

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 8, 2016